TeamCity Cloud
TeamCity Cloud Public Beta is open!
This document describes the current state of the TeamCity Cloud option, its Beta limitations, and target functionality. Please make sure to read it before joining our Public Beta program.
About TeamCity Cloud
TeamCity is a CI/CD server which key features are a powerful toolset and universality. With our Cloud version, we address the user demand in the full-featured CI/CD solution and make it available to you in a couple of minutes, with no need to maintain a server on-premise.
If you are new to TeamCity, the Cloud Beta is a great starting point as it automatically resolves the task of installing and configuring the server. After your cloud TeamCity server is ready, you can proceed to our Configure and run your first build guide.
When you register a TeamCity Cloud account, your own TeamCity server is automatically created in Amazon Web Services. The server operates on the newest version of TeamCity and currently provides Windows and Linux cloud agents out of the box (self-hosted agents for Windows, Linux, and macOS are also supported).
We plan to officially release our Cloud version at the end of 2020 but the target date may change depending on the progress of Beta.
Users of the Beta program will be able to migrate their TeamCity data to the released Cloud version.
Starting TeamCity Cloud
To start TeamCity in cloud, register a Cloud Beta account. In a matter of seconds, your server will be available under the
After the server is ready, an invitation link will be sent to your email. Proceed via this link to get to your administrative account. Everything is ready to build!
TeamCity Cloud Maintenance
TeamCity Cloud Server Administration
In case with TeamCity Cloud, the TeamCity team is responsible for maintaining all hardware and infrastructure of cloud servers. Because of that, the Cloud server has a limited administration functionality comparing to the On-premise server.
The Administration pages comprises the following sections:
Under Project-related Settings, you can create projects and monitor server health and disk usage.
Under User Management, you can add users, user groups and roles, and assign permissions to users. Use the new Invitations page to invite TeamCity users via email. An invited user will be able to register a new user account or authenticate via GitHub or Bitbucket.
Under Server Administration, you can import projects (for example, exported from your On-premise server), view usage statistics, and control general settings.
Build Agents in Cloud
In TeamCity Cloud, you can either use self-hosted build agents or request SaaS cloud agents.
TeamCity Cloud supports agents hosted on Windows, Linux, and macOS. SaaS agents are available for Windows and Linux from the start, and macOS cloud agents will be introduced later in Beta.
From the start, you get one Windows and two Linux images available in your default pool. As soon as you run a build, TeamCity will automatically start an instance of the first suitable image. After the build is finished, the instance will be terminated by the idle timeout.
You can get extra agents by clicking Install Build Agents in the upper right corner of the Agents page. In terms of Beta, we provide 10 parallel agents.
We recommend using tokens to authenticate build agents on the TeamCity server. Click Use authentication token and choose one of the two options: Generate plain-text token, or Download config to create a ready-to-use agent config file.
In terms of Beta, cloud agents come with the following characteristics:
Windows Cloud Agents
CPU: 4 vCPU (Intel Xeon (Cascade Lake))
RAM: 8 Gb ram
SSD: 20 Gb
Java (6.45, 7.79, 7.79, 8u181, 8u181, 9.0.4)
.NET Framework (3.5 (3.0, 2,0 included), 4.5, 4.6.2, 4.7.1)
.NET Core (1.1.7, 2.1.4, 3.1.102)
Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools
Ruby (,,
Perforce CLI (2020.1)
NUnit (3.11.1)
Sysinternals Suite
Mono (4.2.3)
Android SDK (3859397 +update)
Python (2.7, 3.8 + pip)
Git (2.21.0-64)
Mercurial (tortoisehg-4.0.2)
Subversion (1.9.7)
Gradle (5.5.1)
NodeJS (12.16.1)
Yarn (1.22.4)
CMake (3.14.3)
7-Zip (19.0)
Unity (2019.3.14)
MSYS2 (base 20200517)
AWS CLI (1.16.144)
Linux Cloud Agents
- Medium agent:
CPU: 4 vCPU (Intel Xeon (Cascade Lake))
RAM: 8 Gb ram
SSD: 20 Gb
- Small agent:
CPU: 2 vCPU (Intel Xeon (Cascade Lake))
RAM: 4 Gb ram
SSD: 20 Gb
Java (java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto-jdk_8.252.09-1_amd64)
.NET Core (3.1.301, 3.0.103, 2.1.807, 2.2.402, 1.1.13)
Git (2.26.2)
Python (3.6.7, 2.7.15; pip 20.1.1)
Mono (
Perforce (helix-cli latest)
Mercurial (4.5.3)
NAnt (latest)
Ant (latest)
Android SDK (4333796 +update)
Gradle (5.5.1)
RVM (Ruby 2.5.8)
Go (1.14.1)
NodeJS (4, 5, 6, 7, 8.12 (default))
Docker (19.03.9)
Docker Compose (1.23.1)
Ansible (2.9.10)
Native development tools (automake 1.15.1, autoconf 2.69, gettext, libtool 2.4.6, m4 1.4.18, clang, cmake 3.10.2, libglib2.0-dev, libcairo2-dev, libjpeg-dev, libexif-dev, libgif-dev, libc++-dev)
Yarn (1.22.4)
The software installed on cloud agents will be updated automatically. In case you lack any preinstalled software, consider using our Docker Wrapper extension to run a build step inside a specific Docker image.
Do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions about the preinstalled software set.
Differences between TeamCity Cloud and On-premise
We plan to provide equal CI/CD experience to users of our Cloud and On-premise versions. However, the Cloud version is an automatically configured server and thus does not provide the same server settings as our On-premise solution.
Comparing to On-premise, TeamCity Cloud Beta offers the following new features:
For better security, you can generate authentication tokens for build agents in advance.
Authorization via GitHub and Bitbucket is available. If you authenticate via any of these services, the respective connection will be preconfigured automatically.
The Administration | Invitations page allows automatically inviting users to the server. By default, you can add new users only via invitations. An invited user will be able to register a new user account or authenticate via GitHub or Bitbucket.
All the listed features will be introduced in our On-premise version in the nearest future.
TeamCity Cloud Beta has the following limitations comparing to On-premise:
Limited server configuration.
No automatic server diagnostics.
Data is backed up and cleaned up automatically. The set of available configuration options may differ from the On-premise installations.
Some settings are unavailable to TeamCity Cloud administrators: for example, cloud profiles' configuration or changing the location for storing external artifacts.
- No plugin management. The following bundled plugins are currently disabled:
LDAP support
Microsoft Windows Domain authentication
VCS Support: CVS and VCS Support: StarTeam
RSS feed support
Build Agent JVM updater
NuGet Support
Some listed features might be implemented or receive their Cloud equivalents in terms of the Public Beta or first released versions of TeamCity Cloud.
Troubleshooting and Feedback
To send your feedback or report issues, use our YouTrack issue tracker. You are welcome to discuss TeamCity Cloud in our community forum.
Before inquiring, please refer to the F.A.Q. on our website.
Known Issues
The following issues can be currently observed in the TeamCity Cloud Beta version:
It is impossible to restore a just deleted project.
When running a custom build, you might see an irrelevant warning about no compatible agents available for this build. Please check the build real-time status to see the actual number of available agents.