Feed URL Generator
Last modified: 20 April 2023My Settings & Tools >TeamCity Tools > Syndication Feed > Customize
Build Configuration > > Customize
Use this page to configure RSS Feed to get information about builds. The values specified in the fields of this page are used to generate the Feed URL. For the full set of available parameters please refer to RSS Feed.
Item | Description |
Select Build Configurations | |
List build configurations | Specify which build configurations display in the field Select build configurations or projects. The following options are available:
Select build configurations or projects | Use this list to select the build configurations or projects you want to be informed about via syndication feed. |
Feed Entries Selection | |
Generate feed items for | Specify the events, which trigger syndication feed generation. You can opt to select builds, changes or both. |
Include builds | Specify the types of builds to be informed about:
Only builds with changes of the user | Select the user, whose changes you want to be notified about. You can get syndication feed about the changes of all users, yours only, or of a particular user from the list of users registered to the server. |
Other Settings | The following options are only available, when All is selected in the List build configurations section. |
Include credentials for HTTP authentication | Check this option to specify the user name and password for automatic authentication. If this option is not checked, you will have to enter your user name and password in the authorization dialog box of your feed reader. |
TeamCity User, Password | Type the user name and password, which will be used for HTTP authorization. These fields are only available, when Include credentials... option is checked. |
Copy and paste URL to your feed reader, or Subscribe | This field displays a URL, generated by TeamCity, on the base of the values, specified above. You can either copy and paste it to your feed reader, or click the Subscribe link. |
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