TeamCity 4.0 Help

Notifier Settings

My Settings and Tools > Watched Builds and Notifications > edit

Use this page to view and change the list of projects you want to monitor, and the events to be notified about.

The section covers:

Builds to watch and notification rules



Builds you are watching

Displays the project and build configuration in the format <project>::<build configuration>

Send notification when

Displays the list of events that trigger notification. If no events are selected, the notification rule is disabled, and you have to click edit to specify the triggering events.


Click to change selected notification rule in the addEditRule of the same page.


Click to delete selected notification rule.

Add new rule

Click to create a new notification rule in the addEditRule of the same page.

Configure other notifiers

Click to display the list of available notifiers and navigate to the settings page of the selected notifier.

Add / Edit Rule



Watch builds

Use this section to define which builds you want to monitor.

Watch builds affected by my changes

Check to monitor only the builds that contain your changes.

Watch builds from selected build configurations

Check to monitor all of the builds of the selected project and build configurations in the drop-down menu. To select multiple build configurations hold down the Ctrl key. Select < All projects > in the drop-down menu to monitor all of the builds of all the projects' build configurations.

Send notification when

Use this section to define Notification Conditions.

The build fails

Check this option to receive notifications about all of the failed builds in the specified projects and build configurations.

Ignore failures not caused by my changes

Check this option not to be notified when other people's changes caused a build of the specified build configurations to fail.

Only notify on the first failed build after successful

Check this option to be notified when the build fails after a successful build. Using this option you will not be notified about subsequent failed builds.

The build is successful

Check this option to receive notifications when a build of the specified build configurations has executed successfully.

Only notify on the first successful build after failed

Check this option to receive notification when only the first successful build occurs after a failed build. Notifications about subsequent successful builds will not be sent.

Notify when the first error occurs

Check this option to receive notifications when the first errors are detected, even before the build has finished.

The build starts

Check this option to receive notifications when a build of the specified build configurations starts.

The build is probably hanging

Check this option to receive notifications when TeamCity suspects that a build of the specified build configurations is hanging.

Responsibility changes

Check this option to receive notifications about the responsible person's activities, like "responsibility taken", "problems fixed", "gave up", and the first successful build after the fixes.

Ordering Notification Rules

Notification rules are applied in the order they are presented in the Watched builds and configurations table. TeamCity checks whether a build matches any notification rule, and sends notification according to the first matching rule; further check for matching conditions for the same build does not performed.

The most specific rules are those set for specific build configurations; then go rules for all build configurations of a project; notifications for builds with my changes are the least specific.

Last modified: 20 April 2023