Installing and Configuring the TeamCity Server
Installing the TeamCity Server
The build server and one build agent will be installed by default for Windows, Linux or MacOS X. If you need more build agents, refer to the section setting up and running additional build agents.
By default, TeamCity uses an HSQLDB database that does not require special configuring. This database works fine for testing and evaluating the system. For production purposes using a standalone external database is recommended.
Installing TeamCity via executable file (Windows only)
If you want to edit the TeamCity server's service parameters, memory settings or system properties after the installation, please refer to the TeamCity Startup Properties section.
Please make sure the service account has:
write permissions for the TeamCity Data Directory,
all the necessary permissions to work with the source controls used. This includes:
access to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe database (if Visual Source Safe integration is used).
the user, under which TeamCity server service runs, and ClearCase view owner are the same (if ClearCase integration is used).
By default, Windows service in installed under SYSTEM ACCOUNT. To change it, use the Services applet (Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services)
Installing TeamCity bundled with Tomcat servlet container (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows)
If you are running TeamCity on a server that is not running a windowing system, for example, Linux, then you may encounter this error when hitting the Statistics page:
javax.el.ELException: Error reading 'graphInfo' on type jetbrains.buildServer.serverSide.statistics.graph.BuildGraphBean
You can resolve this problem by adding this to your file:
Alternatively, you can add it to a new
file that sits in yourbin
directory. The same can be applied to any start up script if you are using an third party container.
Installing TeamCity into Existing J2EE Container
Configuring the TeamCity Server
If you have a lot of projects or build configurations, we recommend you avoid using the Default agent in order to free up the TeamCity server resources. The TeamCity Administrator can disable the default agent on the Agents page of the web UI.
When changing the TeamCity data directory or database make sure they do not get out of sync.
Configuring TeamCity Data Directory
Editing Server Configuration
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