monitoring the status of particular projects and build configurations and the status of changes committed to the project code base,
viewing failed tests and build logs
taking responsibility for failed build
applying quick-fixes to the results of remote code analysis: the problematic code can be highlighted in the editor and you can work with a complete report of the project inspection results in a toolwindow
downloading and viewing only the new inspection results that appeared since the last build was created work with the results of server-side code duplicates search in the dedicated toolwindow
accessing the server-side code coverage information and visualizing the portions of code covered by unit tests.
Installing the Plugin from the Plugin Repository
To install the TeamCity plugin for IntelliJ IDEA:
In IntelliJ IDEA, open the Settings dialog. To do so either press Ctrl+Alt+S or choose File > Settings... from the main menu.
Click the Plugin button under IDE Settings to invoke the Plugin dialog.
On the Plugin dialog, click the Available tab to view a list of available plugins.
Scroll down and highlight the JetBrains TeamCity Plugin, click the button, and click OK.
Restart IntelliJ IDEA.
Please note that the plugin repository version corresponds to TeamCity 4.0 version. If you have later TeamCity server version, please navigate to TeamCity menu in the IntelliJ IDEA and invoke Update command to install the plugin version matching the server version.
Installing the Plugin Manually
The plugin for IntelliJ IDEA can be downloaded from the TeamCity Tool area on the My Settings & Tools page.
To install the TeamCity plugin for IntelliJ IDEA:
Navigate to the My Settings & Tools page. Under the IntelliJ IDEA Plugin section in the TeamCity Tools area, click the download link, and save the archive.
Make sure that IntelliJ IDEA is not running and unzip the archive into the IntelliJ IDEA user plugins directory at:
Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\.IntelliJIdea<vers.>\config\plugins
OS X: $HOME/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIDEA<vers.>