TeamCity 4.0 Help


Since TeamCity 4.0, the Ruby Rake support is bundled in TeamCity. For detailed information, please refer to the Rake Runner.

This page contains reference information about the Rake build runner fields



Build runner

Select Rake from the drop-down list.

Rake Parameters



Path to a Rakefile file

Enter Rakefile path if you don't want to use a default one. Specified path should be relative to the build checkout directory.

Rakefile content

Type in the Rakefile content instead of using existing Rakefile. The new Rakefile will created dynamically from the specified content before running Rake.

Working directory

Optional. Specify if differs from the build checkout directory.

Rake tasks

Enter tasks names separated by space character if you don't want to use 'default' task. For example, 'test:functionals' or 'mytask:test mytask:test2'.

Additional Rake command line parameters

Specified parameters will be added to 'rake' command line. The command line will have the following format:

ruby rake <Additional Rake command line parameters> <TeamCity Rake Runner options, e.g TESTOPTS> <tasks>

Launching Parameters



Ruby interpreter path

Path to Ruby interpreter (Ruby or JRruby). If not specified the interpreter will be searched in the PATH. In this field you can use values of environment and system variables. For example:



Check the Track invoke/execute stages option to enable showing Invoke stage data in the build log.

Tests Parameters



Tests options(TESTOPTS)

Additional options of Test::Unit test runner. If specified, Rake will be invoked with a "TESTOPTS={options}".

RSpec options(SPEC_OPTS)

Additional options of RSpec specs runner. If specified, Rake will be invoked with a "SPEC_OPTS={options}".

XML Report Processing

Select a report type to import. You only need to import tests reports, if the automatic tests reporting fails to detect your tests.



Import data from

Select report format from a drop-down list. The following report formats are supported: PMD, Surefire, Ant JUnit, NUnit, and FindBugs.

Last modified: 20 April 2023