Configuring Dependencies
Last modified: 20 April 2023A build configuration can be made dependent on the artifacts or sources of builds of some other build configurations.
For , TeamCity will run all dependent builds on the sources taken at the moment the build they depend on starts.
For , before the build is started to run, all artifacts the builds depends on will be downloaded and placed in their configured target locations and then can be used by the build.
Configuring Artifact Dependencies
There are two ways to define artifact dependencies:
Using-Ant-Build-Script using Ivy tasks or Ivy tool from the command line
web Using the Web UI
To add dependencies to a build configuration:
In the Build Configuration Steps, choose 5.Dependencies.
Click Add new dependency link in the Artifact dependencies section of the page.
In the 5.Dependencies, specify the following settings:
Build configuration and build from which artifacts should be taken
Paths to artifacts as they are shown on server
Destination path on agent where to put downloaded artifacts
When you have artifact dependencies configured, at some point you might need to What's New in TeamCity 5.0. For example, if your build configuration A is configured to take artifacts from the last successful build of configuration B, and you want to include some specific artifacts from B, different from the last successful. To specify custom artifacts for a build, click Actions | Promote on the build results page, and customize the artifact dependency for the current build.
xml Using Ant Build Script
This section describes how to download TeamCity build artifacts inside the build script. These instructions can also be used to download artifacts from outside of TeamCity.
For handling artifact dependencies between the builds this solution is more complicated then configuring dependencies in the TeamCity UI but allows for greater flexibility. For example, managing dependencies this way will allow you to start a personal build and verify that your build is still compatible with dependencies.
To configure dependencies via Ant build script: 1. Download Ivy.
TeamCity itself acts as an Ivy repository. You can read more about the Ivy dependency manager here:
2. Add Ivy to the classpath of your build. 3. Create ivyconf.xml
file that contains some meta information about TeamCity repository. This file should have the following content:
<ivysettings> <property name='ivy.checksums' value=''/> <caches defaultCache="${}/.ivy/cache"/> <statuses> <status name='integration' integration='true'/> </statuses> <resolvers> <url name='teamcity-rep' alwaysCheckExactRevision='yes' checkmodified='true'> <ivy pattern='http://YOUR_TEAMCITY_HOST_NAME/httpAuth/repository/download/[module]/[revision]/teamcity-ivy.xml' /> <artifact pattern='http://YOUR_TEAMCITY_HOST_NAME/httpAuth/repository/download/[module]/[revision]/[artifact](.[ext])' /> </url> </resolvers> <modules> <module organisation='.*' name='.*' matcher='regexp' resolver='teamcity-rep' /> </modules> </ivysettings>
with the host name of your TeamCity server. 5. Place ivyconf.xml
in the directory where your build.xml
will be running. 6. In the same directory create ivy.xml
file in which define which artifacts should be downloaded and where to put them, for example:
<ivy-module version="1.3"> <info organisation="YOUR_ORGANIZATION" module="YOUR_MODULE"/> <dependencies> <dependency org="org" name="BUILD_CONFIGURATION_ID" rev="BUILD_REVISION"> <include name="ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_WITHOUT_EXTENSION" ext="ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_EXTENSION" matcher="exactOrRegexp"/> </dependency> </dependencies> </ivy-module>
should be replaced with the name of your organization.YOUR_MODULE should
be replaced with the name of your project or module where artifacts will be used.BUILD_CONFIGURATION_ID
should be replaced with id of the build configuration from where artifacts are downloaded. You can obtain this id from the links in your TeamCity server (you should take value of buildTypeId parameter). e.g. bt20BUILD_REVISION
can be either build number or one of the following strings:latest.lastFinished
file name or regular expression of the artifact without extension part.ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_EXTENSION
extension part of the artifact file name.
7. Modify your build.xml
file and add tasks for downloading artifacts, for example (applicable for Ant 1.6 and later):
<target name="fetchArtifacts" description="Retrieves artifacts for TeamCity" xmlns:ivy="antlib:fr.jayasoft.ivy.ant"> <taskdef uri="antlib:fr.jayasoft.ivy.ant" resource="fr/jayasoft/ivy/ant/antlib.xml"> <classpath> <pathelement location="${basedir}/lib/ivy-2.0.jar"/> <pathelement location="${basedir}/lib/commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar"/> <pathelement location="${basedir}/lib/commons-logging.jar"/> <pathelement location="${basedir}/lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar"/> </classpath> </taskdef> <ivy:configure file="${basedir}/ivyconf.xml" /> <ivy:retrieve pattern="${basedir}/[artifact].[ext]"/> </target>
Please note that among ivy
should be in classpath of Ivy tasks.
Artifacts repository is protected by a basic authentication. To access the artifacts, you need to provide credentials to the <ivy:configure/> task. For example:
<ivy:configure file="${basedir}/ivyconf.xml" host="TEAMCITY_HOST" realm="TeamCity" username="USER_ID" passwd="PASSWORD"/>
is hostname or IP address of your TeamCity server (without port and servlet context). As USER_ID/PASSWORD
you can use either username/password of a regular TeamCity user (the user should have corresponding permissions to access artifacts of the source build configuration) or system properties teamcity.auth.userId/teamcity.auth.password
The properties teamcity.auth.userId/teamcity.auth.password store automatically generated build-unique values whose only intended use is artifacts downloading within the build script. The values are valid only during the time the build is running. Using the properties is preferable to using real user credentials since it allows the server to track artifacts downloaded by your build. If the artifacts were downloaded by the build configuration artifact dependencies or using the supplied properties, the specific artifacts used by the build will be displayed on the Dependencies tab. In addition, the builds which were used to get the artifacts from will not be cleaned up by the Clean-Up process much like the pinned builds.
Thanks for your feedback!