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What's New in TeamCity 5.0

Last modified: 20 April 2023

What's New in TeamCity 5.0

Issue Tracker integration

Issues are now first class citizens in TeamCity. Out of the box TeamCity integrates with Jira, Bugzilla and Jetbrains own tracker YouTrack. Note that integration with YouTrack is bi-directional. YouTrack shows TeamCity related information for issues with links to TeamCity builds and details about changes included in the build.

Issue tracker integration is configured on a separate tab of the Server configuration page.

If build contains changes with issues mentioned in them, then new tab will appear where build related issues are shown.

There is also Issue Log page made similar to Changes Log. It shows issues detected by TeamCity optionally grouped by builds.

TeamCity can also determine in what build an issue is fixed. This works provided all the related check-ins have issue id in the comment and developer resolves the issue in the issue tracker.

Per-test responsibility

It is now possible to assign or take responsibility for a single test. Note that responsibility taken for a test is taken within the whole project.

We also added new tab on the Project page: Responsibilities. On this tab you can see currently taken responsibilities for you or other team members.

Project Archiving

You can now easily archive no longer active projects. Archived projects will be shown on the separate tab in the Administration area, their build configurations will be paused and changes collecting for their VCS roots will be stopped (if VCS roots are not shared with active projects). Builds however can be triggered manually, and project/build configuration settings can be edited.

Separate permission controls access to this function. By default this permission is available to project administrators.

Build Configuration Templates

Templates goal is to remove duplication from the build configuration settings. To do so you create a template (template actually has the same settings as regular build configuration) and then associate any number of build configurations with this template. Change in the template will affect all of the build configurations associated with it.

Support for Amazon EC2

Setting Up TeamCity for Amazon EC2 of cloud computing with TeamCity by putting Build Agents on Amazon EC2. After your Build Agents' AMIs (Amazon Machine Images) are registered, the TeamCity server will account for those virtual machines in its build scheduling and will automatically do a suspend/resume job on them, based on the load and build queue status.

Maven-related improvements

The process of creation of Maven build configurations is significantly simplified. All you need is to provide URL to your project pom file (or upload pom file), the rest will be done by TeamCity. By default Maven version number and TeamCity build number will be set to be in sync.

For Maven build configurations the new tab "Maven 2" is added which displays significant data collected from the Maven project.

New type of dependency trigger was added for Maven build configurations. This trigger will trigger a build every time when specified artifact changes in repository. It is available for non-Maven build configurations also.

Java and .NET Coverage

Coverage support was significantly improved for both Java and .NET.

For Java Ant-based builds TeamCity supports new coverage engine: IntelliJ IDEA built-in coverage.

For .NET TeamCity 5.0 supports NCover version 1.5 and 3.x and PartCover coverage engines and you no longer need to integrate coverage manually: .NET Code Coverage.

Command line tool for Remote runs

Note: that this tool is available as separate plugin and is not bundled with TeamCity itself. You can download latest version of this plugin from the plugin page: Command Line Remote Run Tool

This tool can be used to start Remote runs on a TeamCity server from the command line (no IDE is required). This feature is experimental and we really need your feedback to decide whether this can be useful.

Single change status page

Status of the change across all of the build configurations can now be seen on a single page. On this page you can see builds containing this change as well as all failed tests in these builds.

My Changes UI improvements

We want to reduce time needed by a developer to discover which tests fail and why. Now on My Changes page you can see not only builds running with your change but also new tests already failed in these builds, or compilation errors occurred.

Web-UI for artifact-based (report) tabs customization

In previous versions of TeamCity artifact-based tabs can only be configured by editing configuration files manually. Now there is convenient UI for these tasks.

Migration, Backup & Restore

We added backup & restore to simplify TeamCity maintenance. Also the migration tool was re-implemented.

Backup can be started from UI and from command line, restore and migration can be started from command line only. Command line backup does not require TeamCity stopping if external database is used.

Start build with custom artifact dependencies

If your build has artifact dependencies to other build configurations then in the Run custom build dialog you can now choose concrete builds to depend on.

Or you can do the same the other way. Go to a build which artifacts you want to use, choose "Promote..." action from the actions menu and start a build depending on this build by artifact dependencies.

These features are useful for various Deploy/Install/Publish-like configurations.

Audit log / Server logs

Various actions made by TeamCity users are now stored in the Audit log which can be browsed from the web UI.

You can also browse debug server logs right from the web UI and download the all the logs in a zip archive.

Build log enhancements

Tail mode was added to build log. Also for the running build "All messages" now updates incrementally. Scroll to the end of the "All messages" page and TeamCity will preserve scroll position.

IntelliJ IDEA plugin improvements

TeamCity IntelliJ IDEA plugin now supports IDEA Community Edition and RubyMine 2.

Remote Run for Git is also available (no Pre-tested commit yet).

Eclipse Plugin improvements

Remote Run dialog is made two-phase wizard. Remote Runs are now supported for files residing in different version control systems. Eclipse plugin now supports Remote Run & Pre-tested commit for Git.

Visual Studio Addin improvements

"Local Changes" tool window is introduced to display the modified files. Remote Run dialog is now invoked from the tool window. You can now view unified diff and use external diff viewer for files listed in the Local Changes.

Different syntax highlighting engine for web diffs

Older engine was based on native code and as such had some problems. Not all platforms were supported and random crashes were observed. Now TeamCity uses Java based syntax highlighter.

Rake Runner improved

New test frameworks supported: Cucumber, Shoulda, Test-Spec. Rake runner settings page now have settings to specify what test frameworks reporters are active.

Other improvements

  • Git & Mercurial plugins are now bundled with TeamCity

  • For every agent you can now see a history of builds this agent executed

  • Duplicates & Inspections statistics values are shown in the build status line

  • In diff view there new option added: "Ignore whitespaces"

  • More details are now shown for disconnected agents (properties/environment variables, build runners and so on)

  • Support for <gant/> task in Ant build scripts: TeamCity will log Ant tasks called from the Gant script in this case

  • VCS trigger can now trigger a build on a change detected in the build snapshot dependencies

  • NUnit 2.5.2 is now supported

  • Oracle 11g support

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 support

  • Custom labeling message for Subversion

  • Option "Revert before update" for Subversion plugin with "checkout on agent" mode

  • Support for 1.6 working copy format in Subversion plugin

  • TeamCity now recognizes compilation errors output produced by <groovyc/> Ant task

  • New system wide notifications introduced, currently with single notification option: responsibility assigned to me

  • Duplicates runner for .NET supports C# 4.0 and file selection by wildcards

  • TeamCity startup procedure improved, now while server starts you can see progress of the server initialization

  • Filter to show failed builds only for overview page

  • Exclude patterns are supported for FxCop runner

  • LDAP plugin improvement: ability to login to the system with the username no matter what user DN is

  • The list of suspicious changes is shown on a build, if the build has started after several failures or compilation errors

  • Basic REST API Plugin is added to programmatically get information on projects, build configurations, builds and detected changes.

  • A lot of performance improvements

  • full list of fixed bugs and implemented features