P4WSAD 2008.1 or 2008.2 plugin: to enable Remote Run and Pre-Tested (Delayed) Commit for the Perforce Version Control System. Please make sure you initialize Perforce support (for example, perform project update) after opening the project before using TeamCity Remote Run.
Eclipse CVS Client to enable Remote Run and Pre-tested Commit for CVS
JDK 1.5: Eclipse must be run under JDK 1.5 for the TeamCity plugin to work.
Command Line Remote Run Tool and configured mapping file to enable remote run and pre-tested commit using command line VCS queries.
To install the TeamCity plugin for Eclipse:
Navigate to the My Settings and Tools page in the TeamCity UI and locate the TeamCity Tools section.
Under Eclipse plugin header, copy the update site link URL. For example, in Internet Explorer you can right-click the link and choose Copy shortcut on the context menu.
In Eclipse, choose Help | Software Updates... on the main menu. The Software Updates and Addons dialog appears. Open the Available software tab.
Click the Add Site... button.
Enter the URL copied above (http://<your TeamCity Server address>/update/eclipse/) into the URL field of the new update site in Eclipse, and click OK.
In the list of available updates check and select TeamCity Eclipse Plugin update.
Click Install button and follow the installation instructions.
For detailed instructions on how to work with the plugin, refer to the TeamCity section of Eclipse's help system.
Plugin Features
TeamCity integration with Eclipse provides the following features: