TeamCity supports Jira, Bugzilla and YouTrack issue trackers out of the box. Refer to the Supported Platforms and Environments page for the list of supported versions. When integration is configured, TeamCity automatically transforms an issue ID mentioned in VCS comment into a link to the corresponding issue and allows to see basic issue details on hover over an icon displayed near the issue ID.
On the build configuration home page, you can review all the issues mapped to the comments at the Issue Log tab. You can filter the list to particular range of builds and view which issues where mentioned in comments, and which were fixed.
To enable integration, you need to create connection to your issue tracker on the Administration | Server Configuration | Issue Tracker tab.
The connection settings are described below:
Connection type
Select type of your issue tracker from the list.
Display name
Symbolic name that will be displayed in TeamCity UI for the issue tracker.
Server URL
Issue tracker URL
Username to log in to the issue tracker, if it requires authorizing.
Password to log in to the issue tracker, if it requires authorizing.
Additional Fields
These depend on the issue tracker type that is being configured. The fields configure what strings are recognized by TeamCity as links to issue IDs. Project Ids (YouTrack): Space-separated list of YouTrack project ids. Project Keys (Jira): Space-separated list of Jira project keys. Also use Get all projects link to fetch all projects from the issue tracker and fill Product Keys field automatically. Issue Id Pattern (BugZilla): A Java Regular Expression pattern to find issue ID in the text. The matched text (or the first group if there are groups defined) is used as issue number. Most common case seems to be #(\d+) - this will extract 1234 as issue ID from text "Fix for #1234".
For the Bugzilla integration to work when username and password are specified, you should have Bugzilla XML-RPC interface switched on. This is not required if you use anonymous access to Bugzilla without username and password.
For the Jira integration to work, you should have Jira XML-RPC interface switched on (see instructions in Jira documentation).
TeamCity server should have direct access to the issue tracker server since TeamCity does not yet support proxy for connections to issue trackers.
Integrating TeamCity with Other Issue Trackers
To integrate TeamCity with an issue tracker other than Jira/YouTrack/Bugzilla, you can configure TeamCity to turn any issue tracker issue ID references in change comments into links. See Mapping External Links in Comments for details.