Project Home Page
Last modified: 20 April 2023<Projects tab > <Project name>
Each project has a dedicated page. This page contains the following tabs:
Overview — view the list of all build configurations for a project
Statistics — view selected charts for the project build configurations.
Change Log — view project-wide change log.
Responsibilities — view the list of all currently assigned and resolved responsibilities in the current project. This page may also contain customArtifactBasedTab.
This section covers:
Overview Tab
Overview tab contains a table which represents a list of all the project build configurations. Format of the table is the same as in Projects page of the TeamCity web UI.
statisticsTabStatistics Tab
The charts show code coverage, duplicates and inspection results, and number of code lines if they are included in the project build configurations. Additionally, you can extend the statistics output with Custom Chart.
Chart Type | Description |
Code Coverage | This chart displays blue, green, dark cyan, and purple dots to track respectively the percentages of the classes blocks, lines and methods covered by the tests. |
Code Duplicates | This chart tracks the number of duplicates discovered in the code. |
Code Inspection | This chart displays red and yellow dots to track respectively the number of discovered errors and warnings. |
Configuring Pre-defined Statistics Charts
By default, Statistics tab shows charts for all build configurations in the current project, which have coverage, duplicates or inspections data. But this behavior may be configured on per-project level. You can disable charts of particular type at all, or specify build configurations to be used in the chart.
The configuration is done in <TeamCity data directory>/config/<project_name>/ plugin-settings.xml
file, with some XML coding.
A similar format is used for all types of pre-defined graphs; only the name of top-level XML tag differs:
Chart Type | XML Tag Name |
Code Coverage | coverage-graph |
Code Duplicates (Java and .NET) | duplicates-graph |
Code Inspections | inspections-graph |
For example, consider code coverage charts configuration.
To disable all code coverage charts on the page, use the following syntax:
<coverage-graph enabled="false"/>
To show code coverage chart, which relates only to particular build configuration, use the following syntax:
<coverage-graph enabled="true"> <build-type id="bt234"/> <build-type id="bt236"/> </coverage-graph>
In the code example above, bt234 and bt236 values relate to build configuration identifiers.
Please note that denoted build configurations should contain code coverage data for charts to be shown. If the data are available, two charts will be shown (one for each specified build configuration).
The same syntax and principles apply to other pre-defined types of charts.
Configuring Custom Charts
See Custom Chart page for details of custom charts configuration.
customArtifactBasedTabCustom Artifact-based Tabs
It is possible to configure an artifact-based tab for the Project page; that is, the content of this tab will be provided using artifacts of a particular build. Refer to Including Third-Party Reports in the Build Results page to learn how to configure such tab.
Change Log Tab
This option is available since Calcutta 4.1 EAP (build 8725) Release Notes
This tab shows the list of pending changes and changes already included in the builds of the current project:

Option | Description |
Show changes by: | Select committer's username from this drop-down list to view all the changes committed by the user for the current project. |
Found <number> changes | The number of changes found for the project. |
Show builds | Select to view the builds' numbers and navigate to the Build Results Home page. |
Number of rows | Select the number of changes (rows) shown on the page. |
Permalink | Use this link to create bookmark in your browser for easy further navigation to the currently opened page. |
Drop-down list of changed files | View the list of changed files in the Changes tab tab of the Build Results Home page, view differences, and jump to the source code in the active IDE. The latter option is only available, if the plugin for this IDE is installed, and you are logged in to TeamCity from within this IDE |
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