After installation, TeamCity web UI can be accessed via web browser. Default addresses are http://localhost/ for Windows distribution and http://localhost:8111/ for tar.gz distribution.
If you cannot access TeamCity web UI after successful installation, please refer to Troubleshooting-TeamCity-Installation-Issues section.
The build server and one build agent will be installed by default for Windows, Linux or MacOS X. If you need more build agents, refer to the section setting up and running additional build agents.
By default, TeamCity uses an HSQLDB database that does not require special configuring. This database works fine for testing and evaluating the system. For production purposes using a standalone external database is recommended.
Installing TeamCity via Windows installation package
For the Windows platform, run the executable file and follow the installation instructions. You have options to install the TeamCity web server and one build agent that can be run as a Windows service.
If you opted to install the services, use standard Windows Services applet to manage the service. Otherwise, use standard runStopServer.
If you did not change the default port (80) during installation, the TeamCity web UI can be accessed via "http://localhost/" address in a web browser. Please note that 80 port can be used by other programs (e.g. Skype, or other web servers like IIS). In this case you can specify another port during the installation and use "http://localhost:<port>/" address in the browser.
If you want to edit the TeamCity server's service parameters, memory settings or system properties after the installation, please refer to the Configuring TeamCity Server Startup Properties section.
Unpack TeamCity<version number>.tar.gz archive (for example, using tar xfz TeamCity<version number>.tar.gz command under Linux, or WinZip, WinRar or alike utility under Windows). Please use GNU tar to unpack. (for exapmple, Solaris 10 tar is reported to truncate too long file names and may cause a ClassNotFoundException. Consider getting GNU tar at Solaris packages or using gtar xfz command)
Ensure you have JRE or JDK installed and JAVA_HOME environment variable is pointing to Java installation directory. Latest Sun Java 1.6 update is recommended.
If TeamCity server is installed as Windows server, follow the usual procedure of starting and stopping services.
No matter how TeamCity is installed, TeamCity server can be started and stopped by the scripts provided in the <TeamCity home>/bin directory.
To start/stop TeamCity server and one default agent at the same time, use the runAll script.
To start/stop only the TeamCity server, use teamcity-server script.
For example:
Use runAll.bat start to start the server and the default agent
Use runAll.bat stop to stop the server and the default agent
If you switch from one way of starting TeamCity server to another, please ensure that the process gets all the same settings, including TeamCity Data Directory, memory settings, etc. If you need to pass special properties to the server, please refer to Configuring TeamCity Server Startup Properties.
Installing TeamCity into Existing J2EE Container
Copy the downloaded TeamCity<version number>.war file into the web applications directory of your J2EE container under teamCity.war name or deploy the .war following documentation of the web server. Please make sure there is no other version of TeamCity deployed (e.g. do not preserve old TeamCity web application directory under web server applications directory).
Configure TeamCity TeamCity Server Logs by specifying log4j.configuration and teamcity_logs properties. Up-to-date values and conf/teamcity-server-log4j.xml file can be looked up in the bin/teamcity-server script available in .exe and tar.gz distributions. Sample file.
Ensure TeamCity web application is devoted sufficient amount of memory. Please increase the sizes accordingly if you have other web applications running in the same JVM.
If you are deploying TeamCity to Tomcat container, please add useBodyEncodingForURI="true" attribute to the Connector tag for the server in Tomcat/conf/server.xml file.
Ensure servlet container is configured to unpack deployed war files. Though for most servlet containers it is the default behaviour, for some it is not (e.g. Jetty version >7.0.2) and must be explicitly configured. TeamCity can not start while packed and will prompt about this in logs and UI.
Restart the server or deploy the application via servlet container administration interface and access http://server/TeamCity-NNN/, where "TeamCity-NNN" is the name of the war file. You might also need to rename the file to exclude build number from the name.
TeamCity J2EE container distribution is tested to work with Tomcat 6.x servlet container. (Tomcat version 5.5.20 is not compatible with TeamCity because this version of Tomcat contains a number of errors)
If you are running TeamCity on a server that is not running a windowing system, for example, console mode under Linux, then you may encounter this error when hitting the Statistics page:
javax.el.ELException: Error reading 'graphInfo' on type jetbrains.buildServer.serverSide.statistics.graph.BuildGraphBean
Upon successful installation, TeamCity server web UI can be accessed via a web browser. The default address that can be used to access TeamCity from the same machine depends on the installation package and installation options. (Port 80 is used for Windows installation, unless another port is specified, port 8111 for .tar.gz installation unless not changed in the server configuration).
If TeamCity web UI cannot be accessed, please check:
the "TeamCity Server" service is running (if you installed TeamCity as a Windows service);
TeamCity server process (Tomcat) is running (it is java process run in <TeamCity home>/bin directory);
if you run the server from a console, check console output;
check teamcity-server.log and other files in the <TeamCity home>\logs directory for error messages.
One of the most common issues with the server installation is using a port that is already used by another program. See changingServerPort on changing the default port.
Changing Server Port
If you use TeamCity server Windows installer you can set the port to use during installation. If you use .war distribution please refer to the manual of the application server used.
Use the following instructions to change the port if you use .tar.gz distribution If another application uses the same port that TeamCity server, TeamCity server (Tomcat server) won't start and this will be identified by "Address already in use" errors in the server logs or server console.
To change the server's port, in the <TeamCity Home>/conf/server.xml file, change the port number in the HTTP/1.1 connector (here the port number is 8111):
If you run another Tomcat server on the same machine, you might need to also change other Tomcat server service ports (search for "port=" in the server.xml file).
Java Installation
TeamCity server is a web application that runs in an J2EE application server (a JVM application). A JVM application requires a JRE installation to run.
TeamCity (both server and agent) requires JRE 1.5 (or later) to operate. Using Sun JSDK 1.6 is recommended (download page). Please also note that TeamCity agent needs JDK (not JRE) to operate properly.
The necessary steps to prepare Java installation depends on the distribution used.
Windows Installer (.exe) has JRE bundled (in jre directory). If you need to update the JRE used by the installation:
if you run the server from console refer to instructions for .tar.gz distribution below.
if you run as Windows service and want to upgrade JRE to newer 32 bit version, you can replace <TeamCity home>\jre with JRE from the newer installation.
if you run as Windows service and want to upgrade JRE to 64 bit version, you will need to replace <TeamCity home>\jre with appropriate JRE and also replace/update bundled Tomcat distribution to x64 version (use x64 versions of tomcat6.exe and tomcat6w.exe from matching x64 Tomcat installation).
.war distribution depends on the application server used. Please refer to the manual of the server.
To use .tar.gz distribution and teamcity-server or runAll scripts you need to have JRE installed either in <TeamCity home>\jre or into another location. If another location is used, ensure there is no <TeamCity home>\jre directory present and one of the environment variables is defined: JRE_HOME (pointing to home directory of installed JRE), or JAVA_HOME (pointing to home directory of installed JSDK).
Setting Up Memory settings for TeamCity Server
As a JVM application, TeamCity only utilizes memory devoted to the JVM. Memory used by JVM usually constitutes of: heap (configured via -Xmx), permgen (configured via -XX:MaxPermSize), internal JVM (usually tens of Mb), OS-dependent memory features like memory-mapped files. TeamCity mostly depends on heap and permgen memory and these settings can be configured for the TeamCity application manually by Configuring TeamCity Server Startup Properties-Xmx (heap space) and -XX:MaxPermSize (PermGen space) options to the JVM running the TeamCity server.
For initial use of TeamCity for production purposes (assuming 32 bit JVM) minimum recommended settings are: -Xmx750m -XX:MaxPermSize=200m. If slowness or OutOfMemory error occurs, please increase the settings to -Xmx1300m -XX:MaxPermSize=200m.
Maximum settings that you will ever probably need are (x64 JVM should be used): -Xmx4g -XX:MaxPermSize=270m. These settings will suit for an installation with more then a hundred of agents and thousands of build configurations.
If you run TeamCity via runAll or teamcity-server scripts or via Windows service installed, the default settings used are: 512 Mb for the heap and 150 Mb for the PermGen.
32 bit JVM can use up to 1.3Gb memory. If more memory is necessary, 64 bit JVM should be used assigning not less then 2.5Gb. It's highly unlikely that you will need to dedicate more then 4Gb of memory to the TeamCity process.
A rule of thumb is that 64 bit JVM should be assigned twice as much memory as 32 bit for the same application. If you switch to 64 bit JVM please make sure you adjust the memory settings (both -Xmx and -XX:MaxPermSize) accordingly. It does not make sense to switch to 64 bit if you dedicate less then double amount of memory to the application.
The recommended approach is to start with initial settings and increase them whenever OutOfMemory error occurs (see also TW-13452).
Using 64 bit Java to Run TeamCity Server
TeamCity can run under both 32 and 64 bit JVM. It is recommended to java 32 bit JVM unless you need to dedicate more then 1.3Gb of memory to the TeamCity process.
If you choose to use x64 JVM please note that the memory usage is almost doubled when switching from 32 to 64 bit JVM, so please make sure you specify at least twice as much memory as for 32 bit JVM, see Setting-Up-Memory-settings-for-TeamCity-Server.
If you run TeamCity as a service and switch to x64 bit, you will also need to use x64 Tomcat executables, see x64tomcat.
Configuring the TeamCity Server
If you have a lot of projects or build configurations, we recommend you avoid using the Default agent in order to free up the TeamCity server resources. The TeamCity Administrator can disable the default agent on the Agents page of the web UI.
When changing the TeamCity data directory or database make sure they do not get out of sync.
Configuring TeamCity Data Directory
The default placement of the TeamCity data directory can be changed. See corresponding section: TeamCity data directory for details.
Editing Server Configuration
After successful server start, any TeamCity page request will redirect to prompt for the server administrator username and password. Please make sure that no one can access the server pages until the administrator account is setup.
After administration account setup you may begin to create Project and Build Configurations in the TeamCity server. You may also want to configure the following settings in the Server Administration section: