Remote Run Limitations related to Maven runner As a rule, a personal build in TeamCity doesn't affect any "regular" builds run on TeamCity server and its results are visible to its initiator only. However, in case of using Maven runner, this behavior may differ. TeamCity doesn't interfere anyhow with Maven dependencies model. Hence, if your Maven configuration deploys artifacts to a remote repository, they will be deployed there even if you run a personal build. Thereby, a personal build may affect builds that depend on your configuration. For example, you have a configuration A that deploys artifacts to a remote repository and these artifacts are used by configuration B. When a personal build for A has finished, your personal artifacts will appear in B. This can be especially injurious, if configuration A is to produce release-version artifacts, because proper artifacts will be replaced with developer's ones, which will be hard to investigate because of Maven versioning model. Plus these artifacts will become available to all dependent builds, not only those managed by TeamCity. To avoid this, we recommend not using remote run for build configurations which perform deployment of artifacts.
Maven Parameters
Code Coverage
Note: only Surefire version 2.4 and higher is supported.
If you have several build agents installed on the same machine, by default they use the same local repository. However there are two ways to designate custom local repository to each build agent:
Specify the following property in the
teamcity-agent/conf/<subdirectory name>
For instance,%\
Run each build agent under different user account.
Thanks for your feedback!