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Predefined Build Parameters

Last modified: 20 April 2023

The predefined properties can originate from several scopes:

  • Server-Build-Properties - the properties provided by TeamCity on the server-side in the scope of a particular build. An example of such property is a build number

  • Agent-Properties - properties provided by an agent. The properties are not specific to any build and characterize agent environment (for example, path to .Net framework).

  • Agent-Build-Properties - properties provided on the agent side in the scope of a particular build. These properties are passed into a build (for example, path to a file with a list of changed files).

There is also a special kind of server-side build properties that can be used in references while defining other properties, but are not passed into the build. See Reference-only-Server-Properties below for the listing of such properties.

Server Build Properties

<simplified VCS root name> is the VCS root name with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced with _ symbol. Please ensure your VCS roots names differ sufficiently and are not mapped into the same simplified name (in this case the value of the property can get any).

Reference-only Server Properties

These are the properties that other properties can reference (only if defined on Build Parameters page), but that are not passed to the build themselves.

You can get the full set of reference-only server properties by adding system.teamcity.debug.dump.parameters property to the build configuration and examining "Available reference-only server properties" section in the build log.

The following sets of such properties exist:

Dependencies Properties

Properties provided by the builds the current build depends on (via snapshot or artifact dependency).

Dependencies properties have the following format:

dep.<btID>.<property name>

  • <btID — is the Build Configuration of the build configuration to get the property from. Only the configurations the current one has snapshot or artifact dependencies on are supported. Indirect dependencies configurations are also available (e.g. A depends on B and B depends on C - A will have C's properties available).

  • <property name> — the name of the Server-Build-Properties of the build configuration with the given ID.

VCS Properties

These are the settings of a VCS roots attached to the build configuration.

VCS properties have the following format:

vcsroot.<simplified VCS root name>.<VCS root property name>

If there is only one VCS root in a build configuration, <simplified VCS root name>. part can be omitted.

Properties marked by VCS support as secure (for example, passwords) are not available as reference properties.

Agent Properties

Agent-specific properties are defined on each build agent and vary depending on its environment. Aside from standard properties (for example, or os.arch, etc. — these are provided by JVM running on agent) agents also have properties based on installed applications. TeamCity automatically detects a number of applications including the presence of .NET Framework, Visual Studio and adds the corresponding system properties and environment variables. A complete list of predefined agent-specific properties is provided in tablePredefinedProperties below.

If additional applications/libraries are available in the environment, the administrator can manually define the property in the <agent home>/conf/ file. These properties can be used for setting various build configuration options, for defining build configuration requirements (for example, existence or lack of some property) and inside build scripts. For more information on how to reference these properties see Defining and Using Build Parameters in Build Configuration page.

The actual properties defined on agent can be reviewed on the Agent Details page.

Agent Build Properties