exploring changes introduced in the source code and comparing the local version with the latest version in the project repository,
navigating from build logs opened in Eclipse to files referenced in build log,
viewing failed tests of a particular build,
navigating to TeamCity web interface,
starting investigation of a build failure,
viewing server-provided code coverage results run on TeamCity using IDEA or EMMA code coverage engine: "<Main Menu>/TeamCity/Code Coverage Data...",
comparing personal patch content with workspace resources,
viewing compilation errors,
downloading patch to IDE from the TeamCity server,
shelving changes,
re-runing tests failed on the TeamCity agent locally,
support for P4Eclipse up to 2012.1 and Eclipse EGit 0.9 - 0.12
Installing the Plugin
TeamCity Eclipse plugin version should correspond to the version of the TeamCity server it connects to. Connections to TeamCity servers with different versions are generally not supported.
P4Eclipseplugin: to enable Remote Run and Pre-Tested (Delayed) Commit for the Perforce Version Control System. Please make sure you initialize Perforce support (for example, perform project update) after opening the project before using TeamCity Remote Run.
EGit plugin for Eclipse to support Remote Run and Pre-tested Commit for Git version control.
JDK 1.5 or newer: Eclipse must be run under JDK 1.5 or newer for the TeamCity plugin to work.
To install the TeamCity plugin for Eclipse:
In the top right corner of the TeamCity web UI, click the arrow next to your username, and select My Settings&Tools.
On the General tab locate the TeamCity Tools section.
Under Eclipse plugin header, copy the update site link URL. For example, in Internet Explorer you can right-click the link and choose Copy shortcut on the context menu.
In Eclipse, choose Help | Install New Software... on the main menu. The Install dialog appears.
Enter the URL copied above (http://<your TeamCity Server address>/update/eclipse/) into the URL field of the new update site in Eclipse, and click Enter.
Select required features of the TeamCity Eclipse Plugin.
Click Next button and follow the installation instructions.
For detailed instructions on how to work with the plugin, refer to the TeamCity section of Eclipse's help system.