TeamCity 7.0 Help

Inspections (.NET)

The Inspections (.NET) runner allows you to use the benefits of JetBrains ReSharper Code Analysis feature right in TeamCity. This runner is intended to detect errors and problems in C#, VB.NET, XAML, XML, ASP.NET, JavaScript, CSS and HTML code.

Sources to analyze



Solution file path

Path to .sln file. Specified path should be relative to the checkout directory.

Projects filter

Specify project name wildcards to analyze only part of the solution. Leave blank to analyze the whole solution. Separate wildcards with new lines. Example:

JetBrains.CommandLine.* *.Common *.Tests.*

Agent environment requirements



Target Frameworks

This option allows you to handle Visual Studio Multi-Targeting feature. Agent requirement will be created for every checked item.

Additional options



Custom settings profile path

Path to file wich contains ReSharper settings. File should be created via JetBrains Resharper 6.1 or later. Specified path should be relative to the checkout directory. If specified, this settings layer has top priority, so it overrides ReSharper's build-in settings. By default, built-in ReSharper's settings layers are applied. For additional information about ReSharper settings system please visit ReSharper Web Help and JetBrains .NET Tools Blog

Enable debug output

Check this option to include debug messages in the build log and publish the file with additional logs (dotnet-tools-inspectcode.log) as hidden artifact.

Build before analyze

In order to have adequate inspections execution results it might be nesessary to build your solution before run analysis. This pre-step is especially actual when you use (implicitly or explicitly) code generation in your project.

Last modified: 20 April 2023