Statistic Charts
To help you track the condition of your projects and individual build configurations over time TeamCity gathers statistical data across all their history and displays it as visual charts. The statistical charts can be divided in to categories:
projectStatistics available at Project home page | Statistics tab.
BCStatistics available at Build Configuration home page | Statistics tab.
Regardless of the statistics level in the Statistics tab you can:
Select time range for each type of statistics from the Range drop-down list.
Filter information by data series, for example, by Agent name or by result type.
View average values (Average check box).
Filter out failed builds and show only the successful builds (Show Failed option).
View build summary information and navigate to the build results page.
Statistics include information about all the builds across all its history. However according to the clean-up policy, some of the build results may be removed. In this case, you can only view the summary information about the build, but cannot jump to the build results page.
Project Statistics
For each project TeamCity provides visual charts with statistics gathered from all build configurations included in the project through entire history of the project. These charts show statistics for code coverage, code inspections and code duplicates for build configurations within the project that produce corresponding reports.
You can adjust the set of project-level charts in following ways:
Build Configuration Statistics
Statistics information is also available at build configuration level. These charts demonstrate: successful build rate, build duration, time builds spent in queue, time that took to fix tests, artifact size, and test count. The charts also show code coverage, duplicates and inspection results, if they are included in the respective build configuration.
The charts generated automatically by TeamCity include the following types:
Success Rate: This chart tracks the build success rate over the selected period of time.
Build Duration(excluding checkout time): This chart allows to monitor the duration of the build. To get the best picture of build duration changes select a single build agent or build agents with similar processors.
Time spent in queue: This chart tracks the time it took to actually start a build after it was scheduled. This information is helpful for build agent management and prioritizing build configurations.
Test Count: Green, grey and red dots show the number of tests (JUnit, NUnit, TestNG, etc.) that passed, were ignored or failed in the build respectively. Information about individual tests is available on the build results page.
Artifacts Size: This chart tracks the total size of all artifacts produced by the build.
Time to fix tests: This chart tracks the maximum amount of time it took to fix the tests of the particular build. If not all build tests were fixed, a red vertical stripe is displayed.
Code Coverage: Blue, green, dark cyan, and purple dots show respectively the percentages of the classes blocks, lines and methods covered by the tests.
Code Duplicates: This chart tracks the number of duplicates discovered in the code.
Code Inspection: This chart displays red and yellow dots to track respectively the number of discovered errors and warnings.
Moreover, you can Customizing Statistics Charts. In comparison with project-level charts it is not possible to disable pre-defined charts on build configuration level.
Tests Statistics
For a particular test you can also find some useful statistics: Test duration graph on "Test History" page, which allows to compare the amount of time it takes individual tests to run on the builds of this build configuration. For more details, please refer to Viewing Tests and Configuration Problems.