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XML Report Processing

Last modified: 20 April 2023

XML Report processing Build Feature allows to specify report files on disk that will be parsed during the build and the results reported as the build results.

The report parsing can also be initiated from within the build via Build Script Interaction with TeamCity.

XML Report Processing supports the following testing frameworks:

  • JUnit Ant task

  • Maven Surefire plugin

  • NUnit-Console XML reports

  • MSTest TRX reports (for MSTest 2005/2008/2010)

  • Google Test XML reports

and the following code inspection tools:

  • FindBugs (code inspections only)

  • PMD

  • Checkstyle

  • JSLint XML reports

and the following code duplicates tools:

  • PMD Copy/Paste Detector XML reports

XML Report Processing plugin monitors the specified report paths and when the matching files are detected, they are parsed according to the report type specified. For some report types parsing of partially saved files is supported, so the reporting is started as soon as first data is available and more data is reported as it is written on disk.

The plugin takes into account only the files updated since the build start (determined by means of the last modification file timestamp).

Сonfiguring XML Report Processing

Add XML Report Processing as a build feature on the Build Steps page and configure its settings:

  • Choose report type and specify monitoring rules in the form of +|-:path separating them by comma or new line. Paths without +|: prefix are treated as including. Ant-style wildcards like dir/**.xml (this means all files with extension .xml under directory "dir") are supported here.


    TeamCity loads generated reports once when they are created, make sure your build procedure generates files with unique names for each tests set without report files overwriting.

  • Check Verbose output option to enable detailed logging to build log.

  • For FindBugs report processing it is necessary to specify path to FindBugs installation on agent. It will be used for retrieving actual bug patterns, categories and their messages.

  • For FindBugs, PMD and Checkstyle code inspections reports processing you can specify maximum errors and warnings limits, exceeding which will cause the build failure. Leave these fields blank, if there are no limits.

Development Links

See plugin page at XML Test Reporting.