TeamCity 8.0 Help

Archiving Projects

If a project is not in active development state, you can archive it from its settings page. When archived:

  • All project's build configurations are automatically Build Configuration.

  • Automatic checking for changes in project's Configuring VCS Roots is not performed if the VCS roots are not used in other non-archived projects.

  • As part of pausing, automatic build triggering is disabled. However, builds of the project can be triggered manually or automatically as a part of a build chain.

  • All data (settings, build results, artifacts, build logs, etc.) of the project's build configurations are preserved - you can still edit settings of the archived project or its build configurations.

  • Archived projects do not appear in most user-facing projects lists and in IDEs including list of build configurations for remote run.

By default, permissions to archive projects are given to project and system administrators. If you need to unarchive a project, you can do it from the Administration | Projects | Archived projects tab where all archived projects are displayed.

Last modified: 20 April 2023