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Customizing Statistics Charts

Last modified: 20 April 2023

To help you track the condition of your projects and individual build configurations over time, TeamCity gathers statistical data across all their history and displays it as visual charts. To learn more about the charts, refer to Statistic Charts. This page describes how to modify pre-defined project-level charts, and add custom charts on the project or build configuration level:

Modifying Pre-defined Project-level Charts

By default, the Statistics tab on the project level shows charts for all build configurations in the current project, which have coverage, duplicates or inspections data. However, you can disable charts of a particular or specify build configurations to be used in the charts.

To modify pre-defined project level charts, you need to configure the < >/config/ projects/ <project_name>/pluginData/ plugin-settings.xml file. In this file a similar format is used for all types of pre-defined graphs:

Disabling Charts of Particular Type on Project Level

To disable charts of particular type for a project, use the following syntax:

<coverage-graph enabled="false"/>

In this example, all code coverage charts will be removed from the Statistics page.

Showing Charts Only for Specific Build Configurations on Project Level

To show the code coverage chart related only to a particular build configuration, use the following syntax:

<coverage-graph enabled="true"> <build-type id="myConf1"/> <build-type id="myConf2"/> </coverage-graph>

where myConf1 and myConf2 values are Configuring General Settings. However, note that build configurations specified should contain code coverage data for the charts to be shown. If the data is available, two charts will be shown (one for each specified build configuration).

Adding Custom Project- and Build Configuration-level Charts

Please refer to the Custom Chart page for details.