Build Queue
Last modified: 20 April 2023The build queue is a list of builds that were Configuring Build Triggers and are waiting to be started. TeamCity will distribute them to Agent Requirements build agents as soon as the agents become idle. A queued build is assigned to an agent at the moment when it is started on the agent; no pre-assignment is made while the build is waiting in the build queue.
When a build is triggered, first it is placed into the build queue, and, when a compatible agent becomes idle, TeamCity will run the build.
Build Queue Optimization by TeamCity
TeamCity optimizes the build queue as follows:
if a similar build exists in the queue, a new build (on the same change set and with the same custom properties) will not be added
if an automatically triggered build chain has more changes than a build chain that is already queued, the latter will be replaced with the automatically triggered build chain, if such replacement will not delay obtaining the build chain results
while a build chain is in the queue, TeamCity tries to replace the queued builds with equivalent started builds.
Build Queue Tab
The list of builds waiting to be run can be viewed on the Build Queue tab. This tab displays the following information:
The number of the build in the queue which is a link to the Working with Build Results page
The branch (if available)
The build configuration name in the following format: <project name>::<build configuration name>, where the project and build configuration names are the links to the corresponding overview pages;
Time to start: the estimated wait duration. Hovering the mouse cursor over the estimated time value shows a tooltip with the following information:
the expected start/finish time,
the link to the planned agent page.
If the current build is a part of a build chain and the builds it depends on are not finished yet, a corresponding note will be displayed. For some builds, like the builds that have never been run before, TeamCity can't estimate possible duration, so the relevant message will be displayed in the tooltip, for example:
Triggered by - a brief description of configuring build triggers.
Can run on - the number of agents compatible with this build configuration. You can click an agent's name link to open the Viewing Build Agent Details, or use the down arrow to quickly view the list of compatible agents in the pop-up window.
Ordering Build Queue
You can do the following: do the following:
Ordering Build Queue the builds in the queue manually
Ordering Build Queue build configurations or personal builds from the queue
If you have System Administrator permissions, you can Ordering Build Queue, which will affect their position in the queue.
Pausing/Resuming Build Queue
The build queue can be paused manually or automatically.
Users with administrator privileges can TeamCity Queue Manager.
The build queue can be paused automatically TeamCity Disk Space Watcher. The queue will be automatically resumed when sufficient space is available.
When the queue is paused, every page in TeamCity will contain a message containing information on the reasons for pausing.
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