TeamCity 8.0 Help

Defining and Using Build Parameters in Build Configuration

To learn about build parameters in TeamCity, refer to the Configuring Build Parameters page.

Defining Build Parameters in Build Configuration

On the Build Parameters page of Build Configuration settings you can define the required system properties and environment variables to be passed to the build script and environment when a build is started. Note, that you can redefine them when launching a Custom Build.

Build Parameters defined in a Build Configuration are used only within this configuration. For other ways, refer to Project and Agent Level Build Parameters.

Any user-defined build parameter (system property or environment variable) can reference other parameters by using the following format:

%[env|system].property_name% For example: system.tomcat.libs=%env.CATALINA_HOME%/lib/*.jar

Using Build Parameters in Build Configuration Settings

In most Build Configuration settings you can use a reference to a Build Parameter instead of using the actual value. Before starting a build, TeamCity resolves all references with the available parameters. If there are references that cannot be resolved, they are left as is and a warning will appear in the build log.

To make a reference to a build parameter, use its name enclosed in percentage signs, e.g.: %\

Any text appearing between percentage signs is considered a reference to a property by TeamCity. If the property cannot be found in the build configuration, the reference becomes an implicit agent requirement and such build configuration can only be run on an agent with the property defined. The agent-defined value will be used in the build.

If you want to prevent TeamCity from treating the text in the percentage signs as reference to a property, use two percentage signs. Every occurrence of "%%" in the values where property references are supported will be replaced to "%" before passing the value to the build. e.g. if you want to pass "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" into the build, change it to "%%Y%%m%%d%%H%%M%%S"

Where References Can Be Used

Group of settings

References notes

Build Runner settings, artifact specification

any of the properties that are passed into the build

User-defined properties and Environment variables

any of the properties that are passed into the build

Build Number format

only Predefined Build Parameters

VCS root and checkout rules settings

any of the properties that are passed into the build

VCS label pattern and Predefined Build Parameters

Artifact dependency settings

only Predefined Build Parameters

If you reference a build parameter in a build configuration, and it is not defined there, it becomes an Agent Requirements for the configuration. The build configuration will be run only on agents that have this property defined.

Using Build Parameters in VCS Labeling Pattern and Build Number

In Build number pattern and VCS labeling pattern, you can use %[env|system].property_name% syntax to reference the properties that are known on the server-side. These are Predefined Build Parameters and Predefined Build Parameters predefined properties and properties defined in the settings of the build configuration on Build Parameters page. For example, VCS revision number: %\build.vcs.number%.

Using Build Parameters in the Build Scripts

All build parameters starting with "env." prefix (environment variables) are passed into the build's process environment (omitting the prefix).

All build parameters starting with "system." prefix (system properties) are passed to the supported build script engines and can be referenced there just by the property name (without "system." prefix):

  • For Ant, Maven and NAnt use ${<property name>}

  • For Gradle use teamcity["<property name>"]

  • For MSBuild (Visual Studio 2005/2008 Project Files) use $(<property name>). Note that MSBuild does not support names with dots ("."), so you need to replace "." with "_" when using the property inside the build script.

When TeamCity starts a build process, the following precedence of the build parameters is used (those on top have higher priority):

  • parameters from the Project and Agent Level Build Parameters file.

  • Predefined Build Parameters parameters.

  • parameters defined in the Run Custom Build dialog.

  • parameters defined in the Build Configuration.

  • parameters defined in the Project (the parameters defined for a project will be inherited by all its subprojects and build configurations. If required, you can redefine them in a build configuration).

  • parameters defined in a template (if any).

  • parameters defined in the agent's file.

  • environment variables of the Build Agent process itself.

The resultant set of parameters is also saved into a file which can be accessed by the build script. See system property or TEAMCITY_BUILD_PROPERTIES_FILE environment variable description in Predefined Build Parameters for details.

Last modified: 20 April 2023