TeamCity 8.0 Help


This page describes MSTest runner options, for details on MSTest support, please refer to the MSTest support.



Path to MSTest.exe

A path to MSTest.exe file. By default Build Agent will autodetect MSTest installation. You may use %\system.MSTest.8.0%, %\system.MSTest.9.0% or %\system.MSTest.10.0% to refer to build agent auto-detected MSTest.exe.

List assembly files

A list of assemblies to run MSTests on. Will be mapped to /testcontainer:file argument.

MSTest run configuration file

Specify a MSTest run configuration file to use (/runconfig:file).

MSTest metadata

Enter a value for /testmetadata:file argument.

Testlist from metadata to run

Every line will be translated into /testlist:line argument.


Names of the tests to run. This option will be translated to the series of /test: arguments Check Add /unique commandline argument to add /unique argument to MSTest.exe

Results file

Enter a value for /resultsfile:file commandline argument.

Additional commandline parameters

Enter an additional commandline parameters for MSTest.exe

Please, note that tests run with MSTest are not reported on-the-fly. For more details on configuring MSTests, please refer to the MSTest.exe Command-Line Options

Code Coverage

To learn about configuring code coverage options, please refer to the Configuring .NET Code Coverage page.

Last modified: 20 April 2023