Setting up an External Database
Last modified: 20 April 2023TeamCity stores build history, users, build results and some run time data in an SQL database. See also description of what is stored where on Manual Backup and Restore page.
This page covers external database setup for the first use with TeamCity. If you evaluated TeamCity with internal database and want to preserve the data while switching to an external database, please refer to Migrating to an External Database.
By default, TeamCity runs using an internal database based on the HSQLDB database engine. The internal database suits evaluation purposes only; it works out of the box and requires no additional setup. However, we strongly recommend using an external database as a back-end TeamCity database in a production environment. An external database is usually more reliable and provides better performance.
The internal database may crash and lose all your data (e.g. on out of disk space condition). Also, internal database can become extremely slow on large data sets (say, database storage files over 200Mb). Please also note that our support does not cover any performance or database data loss issues if you are using the internal database.
In short, do not EVER use internal HSQLDB database for production TeamCity instances.
The database connection settings are configured in <
file. The file is a Java properties file. If the file is not present, TeamCity automatically uses internal database.
Since TeamCity 8.1, you can configure the database to be used on the TeamCity start: all you need to do is select the type of the database and specify database connection settings. You may also need to download the JDBC driver for your database.
The information below provides instruction on manual configuration of the external database to be used by TeamCity.
Selecting External Database Engine
TeamCity supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and MS SQL databases. As a general rule you should use the database that better suits your environment and that you can maintain/configure better in your organization.
While we strive to make sure TeamCity functions equally well under all of the supported databases, issues can surface in some of them under high TeamCity-generated load.
General Steps
If you already ran TeamCity but do not want to preserve any data, delete TeamCity Data Directory.
If you delete TeamCity Data Directory, all the data you entered into TeamCity will be lost. To preserve your data, please refer to the Migrating to an External Database.
Run TeamCity with the default settings to create the <TeamCity Data Directory>.
Shutdown the TeamCity server.
Perform database-specific steps described below.
Start the server.
Please note that TeamCity actively modifies its own database schema. The user account used by TeamCity should have permissions to create new, modify and delete existing tables in its schema, in addition to usual read/write permissions on all tables.
Database Configuration Properties
The database connection settings are configured in TEAMCITY_DATA_DIR\config\
file. If the file is not present, TeamCity automatically uses internal database.
TeamCity uses Apache DBCP for database connection pooling. Please refer to for detailed description of configuration properties. Example configurations for each of supported databases are provided in the sections below.
For all supported databases there are template files with database-specific properties, which you can use. These templates are located in the
<TeamCity Data Directory>/config
directory and have the following name format:database.<database_type>.properties.dist
. In order to use a template, copy it
and then modify it to specify correct properties for your database connections.
Database Driver Installation
Due to licensing terms, TeamCity does not bundle driver jars for external databases. You will need to download the Java JDBC driver and put the appropriate .jar files (see driver-specific sections below) from it into <
directory (create it if necessary). Please note that the .jar files should be compiled for the Java version not greater then that used for running TeamCity version, otherwise you might see "Unsupported major.minor version" errors related to the database driver classes.
Supported Platforms and Environments
On MySQL server side
Recommended database server settings:
use InnoDB storage engine
use case-sensitive collation
The user in MySQL that will be used by TeamCity must be granted all permissions on the TeamCity database.
On TeamCity server side
Download the MySQL JDBC driver from If the MySQL server version is 5.5 or newer, the JDBC driver version should be 5.1.23 or newer.
from the downloaded archive into the<
.Create an empty database for TeamCity in MySQL and grant permissions to modify this database to a user from which TeamCity will work with this database. For this you can execute the following SQL commands from MySQL console:
create database <database name> default charset utf8; grant all privileges on <database name>.* to <user>@localhost identified by '<password>';
In the
and specify the required settings in this file:connectionUrl=jdbc:mysql://<host>/<database name> connectionProperties.user=<user> connectionProperties.password=<password>
Supported Platforms and Environments
On PostgreSQL server side
Create an empty database for TeamCity in PostgreSQL.
Make sure to set up the database to use UTF8.
Grant permissions to modify this database to a user which TeamCity will use to work with this database.
On TeamCity server side
Check you JRE version to determine which JDBC driver is required. If you are using JRE 1.6, you need the JDBC4 version. For 1.7 or 1.8, use the JDBC41 version.
Download the required PostgreSQL JDBC driver and place it into the
and specify the required settings in this file:connectionUrl=jdbc:postgresql://<host>/<database name> connectionProperties.user=<user> connectionProperties.password=<password>
TeamCity doesn't specify which schema should be used for its tables. By default, PostgreSQL creates tables in the 'public' schema (the 'public' is the name of the schema). TeamCity can also work with other PostgreSQL schemas. To switch to another schema, do the following:
Create a schema named exactly as the user name: this can be done using the
tool or with the following SQL:create schema teamcity authorization teamcity;
The username has to be specified in the '' in TeamCity, and has to be in lower case. The schema has to be empty (it should not contain any tables).Start TeamCity.
Supported Platforms and Environments
On Oracle server side
Create an Oracle user account/schema for TeamCity.
Make sure to set up the database to use UTF8
Grant the CREATE SESSION, CREATE TABLE, EXECUTE ON SYS.DBMS_LOCK permissions to a user which TeamCity will use to work with this database. TeamCity, on the first connect, creates all necessary tables and indices in the user's schema. (Note: TeamCity never attempts to access other schemas even if they are accessible)
Make sure TeamCity user has quota for accessing table space.
On TeamCity server side
Get the Oracle JDBC driver. Supported driver versions are and higher. Place the following files:
orai18n.jar (can be omitted if missing in the driver version) into the
The Oracle JDBC driver must be compatible with the Oracle server.
It is strongly recommended to locate the driver in your Oracle server installation. Contact your DBA for the files if required. Alternatively, download the Oracle JDBC driver from the Oracle web site. Make sure the driver version is compatible with your Oracle server.
In the
and specify the required settings in this file:connectionUrl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<host>:1521:<servicename> connectionProperties.user=<user> connectionProperties.password=<password>
Microsoft SQL Server
Supported Platforms and Environments
On MS SQL server side
Create a new database. Using case sensitive collation (collation name ending with '_CS_AS') is recommended and is mandatory for the certain functionality (like using non-Windows build agents).
Create TeamCity user and ensure that this user is the owner of the database (grant the user
rights). This requirement is necessary because the user needs to have ability to modify the database schema. If you're going to use SSL connections, ensure that the version of MS SQL server and the version of java (on the TeamCity side) are compatible. We recommend using the latest update of SQL server:SQL Server 2012 - all versions
SQL Server 2008R2 - Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 1 cumulative update 6
SQL Server 2008 - Service Pack 3 cumulative update 4
SQL Server 2005 - only with JDK 6 update 27 or lower on the TeamCity side See details on compatibility issues.
Allocate sufficient transaction log space. The requirements vary depending on how intensively the server will be used. It's recommended to setup not less then 1Gb.
On TeamCity server side
You can use either native (recommended) or jtds one.
Native driver
Download the MS sqljdbc package from the Microsoft Download Center and unpack it. Let us assume the directory where you've unpacked the package into is called sqljdbc_home.
Copy the sqljdbc4.jar from the just downloaded package into the
directory.In the
file and specify the following required settings in this file:connectionUrl=jdbc:sqlserver://<host>:1433;databaseName=<database name> connectionProperties.user=<user> connectionProperties.password=<password>
If you use named instance you can specify the instance name in the connection URL, like the following:
connectionUrl=jdbc:sqlserver://<host>\\<instance_name>:1433;databaseName=<database_name> ...
If you prefer to use MS SQL integrated security (Windows authentication) or if you receive "This driver is not configured for integrated authentication" Common Problems, follow the additional steps:
Ensure that your Java bitness is the same as Windows bitness (in other words, Installing and Configuring the TeamCity Server with 64-bit Windows and 32-bit Java with 32-bit Windows).
Copy the sqljdbc_home/enu/auth/x86/sqljdbc_auth.dll (in case of 32-bit system) or sqljdbc_home/enu/auth/x64/sqljdbc_auth.dll (in case of 64-bit system) into your Windows/system32 directory (or another directory denoted in %PATH%). Ensure that there are no other sqljdbc_auth.dll files in your system).
In the
<TeamCity data directory>/config
folder create
and specify the connection URL (with no user names or passwords) in this file:connectionUrl=jdbc:sqlserver://<host>:1433;databaseName=<database name>;integratedSecurity=true
More details about setup integrated security for MS SQL native jdbc driver can be found here (for MS SQL 2005) and here (for MS SQL 2008).
JTDS driver
The JTDS driver does not support Unicode operations. Using the Microsoft native JDBC driver is recommended.
Download the latest 1.2.x jTDS driver distribution file (
file), unpack thejtds-*.jar
driver jar and place it to<
. (TeamCity is not tested with the driver version 1.3+. It also requires that TeamCity server is run under JDK 1.7+).In the
and specify the required settings in this file:connectionUrl=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<host>:1433/<database name> connectionProperties.user=<user> connectionProperties.password=<password> connectionProperties.instance=<instance_name>
To use Windows authentication (SSPI) to connect to your SQL Server database, make sure there are no connectionProperties.user
and connectionProperties.password
properties specified in the
file and also copy jtds-XXX-dist\x86\SSO\ntlmauth.dll
file from the JTDS driver package to <TeamCity Home>\bin
(when TeamCity is run under x86 JVM), for Installing and Configuring the TeamCity Server use jtds-XXX-dist\x64\SSO\ntlmauth.dll
file. Also setup TeamCity server (service or process) to be run under user account that has access to the database.
driver is not aware of the "default" port value, so the port number in theconnectionUrl
is a mandatory parameter.
Make sure your SQL Server is configured to enable TCP connections on the port used in the
If you use a named instance, you can specify the instance name by following means:
Add the "instance" property into the connection URL, like the following:
connectionUrl=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<host>:1433/<database name>;instance=sqlexpress
Or, specify corresponding property in the
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