TeamCity 8.0 Help

Subscribing to Notifications

TeamCity provides a wide range of notification possibilities to keep developers informed about the status of their projects. Notifications can be sent by e-mail, Jabber/XMPP instant messages or can be displayed in the IDE (with the help of TeamCity plugins) or the Windows system tray (using TeamCity Windows Tray Notifier).

Subscribing to Email, Jabber, IDE, Windows Tray Notifications

TeamCity allows you to flexibly adjust the notification rules, so that you receive notifications only on the events that you are interested in. To subscribe to notifications:

  1. In the top right corner of the screen, click the arrow next to your username, and select My Settings & Tools from the drop-down list. Open the Notification Rules tab.

  2. Click the required notifications type:

    • Email Notifier: to be able to receive email notifications, your email address must be specified at the General area on the My Settings & Tools page.

    • IDE Notifier: to receive notifications right in your IDE, the required TeamCity plugin must be installed in your IDE. For the details on installing TeamCity IDE plugins, refer to Installing Tools.

    • Jabber Notifier: to receive notifications of this type, specify your Jabber account either on the Notification Rules | Jabber notifier page, or the My Settings & Tools page in the Watched Builds and Notifications area. Note that instead of Jabber you can specify your Google Talk account here if this option is configured by the System Administrator.

    • Windows Tray Notifier: to receive this type of notifications, Windows Tray Notifier must be installed.

  3. Click Add new rule and specify the rule in the dialog. The notification rules are comprised of two parts: Watch and NotificationConditions. See the details below.

What Will Be Watched

Builds affected by my changes

Check to monitor only the builds that contain your changes. Make sure your Managing Users and User Groups are correct.

Builds from the selected project

Select a project whose builds you want to monitor. Notification rules defined for a project will be propagated to its subprojects. To monitor all of the builds of all the projects' build configurations, select Root project.

Builds from the selected build configurations

Check to monitor all of the builds of the selected build configurations. Hold the Ctrl key to select several build configurations.

System wide events

Select to be notified about system wide events.

Which Events Will Trigger Notifications

Build fails

Check this option to receive notifications about all of the failed builds in the specified projects and build configurations. If investigation for a build configuration is assigned to someone, the failed build notification is sent only to that user. If the Builds affected by my changes option is selected in the Watch area, you will receive notifications about the builds including your changes and all the following builds until a successful one. See the next two options as well.

  • Ignore failures not caused by my changes

This option can only be enabled when the Watch builds affected by my changes option is used. Check this option not to be notified when a build fails without any new problems after a build with your changes.

  • Only notify on the first failed build after successful

Check this option to be notified about only the first failed build after a successful build or the first build with your changes. When using this option, you will not be notified about subsequent failed builds.

Build is successful

Check this option to receive notifications when a build of the specified build configurations executed successfully.

  • Only notify on the first successful build after failed

Check this option to receive notifications when only the first successful build occurs after a failed build. Notifications about subsequent successful builds will not be sent.

The first error occurs

Check this option to receive notifications about a "failing" build as soon as the first build error is detected, even before the build has finished.

Build starts

Check this option to receive notifications as soon as a build of the specified build configurations starts.

Build fails to start

Check this option to receive notifications when a build of the specified build configurations Build State.

Build is probably hanging

Check this option to receive notifications when TeamCity identifies a build of the specified build configurations as Configuring General Settings.

Investigation is updated

Check this option to receive notifications on changing a build configuration or test investigation status, t.g. someone is investigating the problem, or problems were fixed, or the investigator changed.

Tests are muted or unmuted

Check this option to receive notifications on the test Muting Test Failures status change in the affected build configurations.

An investigation is assigned to me

This option is available only if the _ System wide events _option is selected in the Watch area. Check the option to be notified each time you start investigating a problem.

Customizing RSS Feed Notifications

TeamCity allows obtaining information about the finished builds or about the builds with the changes of particular users via RSS. You can customize the RSS feed from the TeamCity Tools sidebar of My Settings & Tools page using the Syndication Feed section (click customize to open the FeedURLGenerator options) or from the home page of a build configuration. TeamCity produces a URL to the syndication feed on the basis of the values specified on the Feed URL Generator page.

Feed URL Generator Options



Select Build Configurations

List build configurations

Specify which build configurations to display in the Select build configurations or projects field. The following options are available:

  • With the external status enabled: if this option is selected, the next field shows the list of build configurations with the Configuring General Settings, and build configurations visible for everybody without authentication.

  • Available to the Guest user: Select this option to show the list of build configurations, which are visible to a user with the Guest permissions.

  • All: Select this option to show a complete list of build configurations. The option requires HTTP authorization. Selecting this option enables the Feed authentication settings field. If the external status for the build configuration is not enabled, the feed will be available only for authorized users.

Select build configurations or projects

Use this list to select the build configurations or projects you want to be informed about via a syndication feed.

Feed Entries Selection

Generate feed items for

Specify the events to trigger syndication feed generation. You can opt to select builds, changes or both.

Include builds

Specify the types of builds to be informed about:

  • All builds

  • Only successful

  • Only failed

Only builds with changes of the user

Select the user whose changes you want to be notified about. You can get a syndication feed about the changes of all users, yours only, or of a particular user from the list of users registered to the server.

Other Settings

The following options are available only if All is selected in the List build configurations section.

Include credentials for HTTP authentication

Check this option to specify the user name and password for automatic authentication. If this option is not checked, you will have to enter your user name and password in the authorization dialog box of your feed reader.

TeamCity User, Password

Type the user name and password which will be used for HTTP authorization. These fields are only available when the Include credentials... option is checked.

Copy and paste URL to your feed reader or Subscribe

This field displays a URL generated by TeamCity on the basis of the values specified above. You can either copy and paste it to your feed reader or click the Subscribe link.

Additional Supported URL Parameters

In addition to the URL parameters available in the FeedURLGenerator, the following parameters are supported:

Parameter Name



a number; limits the number of items to return in a feed. Defaults to 100.


a negative number; specifies the number of minutes. Only builds finished within the specified number of minutes from the moment of feed request will be returned. Defaults to 5 days.


name of the custom template to use to render the feed (<template_name>). The file <TeamCity Data Directory>\config\<template_name>.ftl should be present on the server. See the Customizing Notifications on the file syntax.

By default, the feed is generated as an Atom feed. Add &feedType=rss_0.93 to the feed URL to get the feed in RSS 0.93 format.


Get builds from the TeamCity server located at "http://teamcity.server:8111" address, from the build configuration with ID "bt1", limit the builds to the those started with the last hour but no more then 200 items:


Last modified: 20 April 2023