TeamCity 8.0 Help

Viewing Your Changes

For a project developer it is important to understand whether his commit brought a build failure or not. On the My Changes page you can review the commits you've made and how they have affected builds. Since TeamCity 8.1, the page was renamed to Changes. See details Changes.

Your changes are presented in a timeline. By default the page doesn't show your commits to the build configurations that you hid on the Projects dashboard. If you want to remove this filter and view all build configurations, click the show all link on the top of the page.

My changes new

On the right side of the page you can see the visual representation of how your commit has affected different builds. The legend is following:

Carpet legend

From this page you can:

  • View all your commits, and changes included into your personal builds.

  • View how your changes have affected the builds.

  • See whether there are new failed tests caused by your changes.

  • Navigate to the issue tracker, if Integrating TeamCity with Issue Tracker.

  • Open possibly problematic files in your IDE.

  • Navigate to change details.

  • View detailed data for each change on the dedicated tabs. To switch between tabs for the currently selected change, use Tab/Shift+Tab or mnemonics: 'T' for tests, 'B' for builds, 'F' for files.

  • View suspicious builds with your change. For personal changes, all builds are shown.

Note, that problems which have an investigator/responsible are not considered critical (unless you are the investigator).

Since TeamCity 8.1, the page has been renamed to Changes and displays changes made by all TeamCity users. You can filter the results using the user selector on the page. By default, the page does not show the commits to the build configurations hidden by the current user on the Projects dashboard. To remove this filter and view all build configurations, uncheck the Hide configurations excluded from my Projects box.

Each change now has a new pie-chart icon with pie slices showing the relative size of pending, successful, as well as old and new problematic builds affected by the change. Hovering over/clicking the pie-chart icon gives a visual representation of how the user commit has affected different builds. Builds with new/critical problems are listed by default. Expanding the change or clicking the See builds link lists all builds with the change.

My changes new1

Last modified: 20 April 2023