TeamCity 8.0 Help

Typical LDAP Configurations

This page contains samples of file for different configuration cases.

Basic LDAP Login

The backup LDAP server is specified. Provided users can log in to LDAP with "EXAMPLE\Username", they log in to TeamCity also as "EXAMPLE\Username", the username stored in TeamCity is "Username".

# The second URL is used when the first server is down. java.naming.provider.url=ldap://,DC=com ldap://,DC=com # Allow to log in with 'EXAMPLE\username', but cut off 'EXAMPLE' in TeamCity username. teamcity.auth.loginFilter=EXAMPLE\\\\\\S+ teamcity.users.login.capture=EXAMPLE\\\\(.*) # No synchronization, just login. teamcity.options.users.synchronize=false teamcity.options.groups.synchronize=false

Basic LDAP Login for Users in Specific LDAP Group Only

Only users from a specific user group are allowed to log in. The users need to enter the username only the without domain part to log in.

java.naming.provider.url=ldap://,DC=com # Windows username for user to browse LDAP # Windows password for user to browse LDAP'sPaSsWorD # Root note containing all the LDAP users (full entry DN is "CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com") teamcity.users.base=CN=Users # filtering only users with specified name and belonging to LDAP group "Group1" with DN "CN=Group1,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" teamcity.users.login.filter=(&(sAMAccountName=$capturedLogin$)(memberOf=CN=Group1,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com)) # retrieving TeamCity username form the "sAMAccountName" LDAP entry attribute teamcity.users.username=sAMAccountName # Allow only username part without domain teamcity.auth.loginFilter=[^/\\\\@]+ # No synchronization, just login. teamcity.options.users.synchronize=false teamcity.options.groups.synchronize=false

Active Directory With User Details Synchronization

Users can log in to TeamCity with their domain name without the domain part, there is an account "teamcity" with password "secret" that can read all Active Directory entries. The TeamCity user display name and email are synchronized from Active Directory.

java.naming.provider.url=ldap://,DC=com # Login using 'sAMAccountName' value. teamcity.users.login.filter=(sAMAccountName=$capturedLogin$) # LDAP credentials for TeamCity plugin.,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com # User synchronization: on, synchronize display name and e-mail. teamcity.options.users.synchronize=true teamcity.users.base=CN=users teamcity.users.filter=(objectClass=user) teamcity.users.username=sAMAccountName # Group synchronization: disabled. teamcity.options.groups.synchronize=false

Active Directory With Group Synchronization

There should be ldap-mapping.xml file with one or more group mappings defined. file:

java.naming.provider.url=ldap://,DC=com # Allow to enter anything, but after that format it into 'EXAMPLE\login'. teamcity.auth.formatDN=EXAMPLE\\$login$ # LDAP credentials for TeamCity plugin. # Synchronize both users and groups. Remove obsolete TeamCity users, but don't create new ones automatically. teamcity.options.users.synchronize=true teamcity.options.groups.synchronize=true teamcity.options.createUsers=false teamcity.options.deleteUsers=true teamcity.options.syncTimeout=3600000 # Search users from the root: 'DC=example,DC=com'. teamcity.users.base= teamcity.users.filter=(objectClass=user) teamcity.users.username=sAMAccountName # Search groups from 'CN=groups,DC=example,DC=com'. teamcity.groups.base=CN=groups teamcity.groups.filter=(objectClass=group)
Last modified: 20 April 2023