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Build Agents Configuration and Maintenance

Last modified: 20 April 2023

The Agents page of the TeamCity Web UI provides the comprehensive information on the TeamCity agents.

Connected / Disconnected

The Connected and Disconnected tabs display the agents by Agent pool (default). Uncheck the Group by agent pool box to view the agents alphabetically. For each pool TeamCity displays the status of its build agents. Clicking the arrow next to the pool displays the list of the pools agents with their statuses.

Enabling/Disabling Agents via UI

Teamcity distributes builds only among the enabled agents. Agents can be manually enabled/disabled via the web UI by clicking the status icon (1) next to the agent's name. Optionally, you can tell TeamCity to automatically disable/enable the agent after a period of time and enter your comment. TeamCity will follow the instructions and show the comment icon (2). Hovering over the icons will display the related information (3).

Agent enable disable


Refer to a separate page for information on configuring agent pools in TeamCity.

Parameter report

Filter all available agents using a specified parameter.

Matrix and Statistics 

Refer to a separate page for information on viewing the agents workload.


Compare two agents and see their differences highlighted.