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Creating and Editing Build Configurations

Last modified: 20 April 2023

TeamCity provides several ways to create a new build configuration for a project. You can:

When build configurations are created, you can:

Creating New Build Configuration

  1. On the Administration > Projects page, select the desired project in the list. (Alternatively, open the project using the Projects popup, and click the Edit Project Settings link on the right). The Project Settings page opens.

  2. On the Project Settings page, Build Configurations section, click Create build configuration.

  3. Specify the name, id and (optionally) description for the build configuration, click Create.

  4. Proceed with creating other settings:

Creating New Build Configuration from URL

Since TeamCity 9.1, you can create a build configuration using a VCS URL:

  1. On the Administration > Projects page, select the desired project in the list. (Alternatively, open the project using the Projects popup, and click the Edit Project Settings link on the right). The Project Settings page opens.

  2. On the Project Settings page, Build Configurations section, click Create build configuration from URL.

  3. Specify a VCS repository URL and, if authentication is required, VCS credentials. click Create.

  4. TeamCity will suggest the build configuration name and will configure the rest of settings for you.

    • it will determine the type of the VCS repository and create a VCS root

    • TeamCity will attempt to auto-detect build steps: Ant, NAnt, Gradle, Maven, MSBuild, Visual Studio solution files, PowerShell, Xcode project files, Rake, and IntelliJ IDEA projects. If none found, you will have to configure build steps manually.

    • Next, TeamCity UI will display suggestion icons with prompts to create build triggers, failure conditions and build features. Depending on the build configuration settings, it may suggest some additional configuration options.

  5. After the build configuration is created, you can run a build and/or tweak the settings.

Creating Build Configuration Template

Creating a new build configuration template is similar to creating a new configuration:

  1. On the Administration > Projects page, select the desired project in the list. (Alternatively, open the project using the Projects popup, and click the Edit Project Settings link on the right). The Project Settings page opens.

  2. On the Project Settings page, Build Configuration Templates section, click the Create template button and proceed with configuring general settings, VCS settings and build steps.

Alternatively, you can create a build configuration template from an existing build configuration:

  1. Open the existing build configuration settings page, click Actions at the top right corner of the screen, and select the Extract Template option.

  2. Specify the settings required and click Create.

Creating Build Configuration From Template

To create a build configuration based on a template:

  1. On the Administration > Projects page, select the desired project in the list. (Alternatively, open the project using the Projects popup, and click the Edit Project Settings link on the right). The Project Settings page opens.

  2. On the Project Settings page, Build Configuration Templates section, locate the desired template and click its name or use Edit.

  3. Click Actions at the top right corner of the screen, and select Create Build Configuration.

  4. Specify the required settings for the new configuration.


    The settings specified in the template cannot be edited in a configuration created from this template. However, some of them can be redefined in a build configuration. Note that modifying the settings of the template itself will affect all configurations based on this template.

Alternatively, you can create a build configuration based on a template as follows:

  1. On the Administration > Projects page, select the desired project in the list. (Alternatively, open the project using the Projects popup, and click the Edit Project Settings link on the right). The Project Settings page opens.

  2. On the Project Settings page, Build Configurations section, click Create build configuration.

  3. On the configuration settings page, use the he Based on template drop-down and selecting a template for your build configuration .

Ordering Build Configurations

You can view all build configurations of a project on the Project Overview page listed in alphabetical order by default. Starting from TeamCity 9.1, administrators can customize the default order.

Configuring Settings

Configuring settings of a build configuration is described on the following pages:

|Configuring Build Parameters | Configuring VCS Settings