TeamCity Cloud 2022.08 Help

TeamCity Release Notes: Build 107913

Build: 107913
15 March 2022


TW-63772 — FlowID is ignored in the new build log
TW-73266 — Support reporting of the build status to the review directly via build status API of Helix Swarm
TW-68011 — Run custom build dialog: allow specifying an arbitrary branch name
TW-53412 — Batch operations with builds
TW-74421 — Add support (connection type) for public ECR
TW-64974 — Snapshot dependencies block improvements on the build overview page
TW-73147 — Import avatars from GitHub, BitBucket and other external auth modules on user creation
TW-73850 — Add compatibility with BitBucket's checks for merging pull requests.
TW-72261 — Update language highlighting adding C#
TW-52235 — Upgrade to a newer version of FreeMarker
TW-38093 — REST API. Allow to change the status for the finished build.
TW-74213 — Expose counters required for popup on a graph on Changes page
TW-74214 — Add ability to filter builds related to change
TW-74810 — Ability to deduplicate changes
TW-74613 — UI: Add the ability to get the reasons and time to wait for the queued build.
TW-61625 — Allow to turn off agent downloaded artifacts cache on per-build basis
TW-74619 — REST: Add commiters field to a Change model
TW-74329 — REST: allow getting full list of ancestors for a project or build type
TW-68720 — REST: Add the ability to get the reasons and time to wait for the queued build.
TW-52941 — To add ability to view public part of the uploaded SSH key
TW-69648 — Add project popup to Entity Name in Sakura UI
TW-29273 — Display templates in breadcrumbs in administration pages for fast navigation

Usability Problem

TW-68191 — Kotlin DSL: several versions of the same class are available for import, one for each version of DSL API
TW-74688 — Rework There are no fully-running cloud agents wait reason wording
TW-67258 — "No differences between builds were found" phrase is formally incorrect
TW-64933 — Remember filter value in sidebar
TW-30985 — Improve browser page title to differentiate between build configurations better
TW-74321 — Reboot Agent action should not reload the page
TW-74646 — Get rid of meaningless debug logs for shutting down S3 clients
TW-68007 — Build Configuration Home/ Project Home links in build configuration/project settings are unobvious
TW-59414 — A health report on branch specs in VCS root overlapping with the ones provided by the Pull Requests build feature is required
TW-74149 — Artifacts publishing times are wrong in the build log
TW-73849 — Not related build log is shown for expanded problem Build failure on specific text in build log
TW-74576 — Make the colors of the modified files the same as in IDEA
TW-72783 — Not clear meaning of the Muted word on the Tests tab
TW-73548 — Information about pending changes is shown in a blind spot
TW-62550 — Small circle on the build log timeline is not self-descriptive


TW-74062 — Remote debug is listening wrong host and doesn't start build on TeamCity server
TW-62349 — Some TeamCity service messages are interrupted in stdOut by newline symbol in the case of .net core tests
TW-71927 — fix " Please do not use ActionPlaces.UNKNOWN or the empty place"
TW-74430 — Build duration (secs) appears is wrong while build is checking out sources
TW-73738 — Single change page: "No failed tests" message is not displayed if build reported problems
TW-74458 — "preferredInvestigationProject" parameter isn't taken into account by "Assign investigation to ..." button
TW-74512 — "preferredInvestigationProject" parameter isn't taken into account by the investigation auto-assignee build feature
TW-74359 — S3 Storage Artifact publishing becomes interrupted when build has stopped regardless of the option to always publish artifact
TW-70151 — The option "Show all personal builds" does not affect the result of the test runs list request
TW-64269 — Improve buttons presentations on hover
TW-72775 — Remove unnecessary scroll in Test Mute popup.
TW-74916 — Build with two VCS roots fails with "Builds in default branch are disabled in build configuration" even though one VCS root has a desired branch
TW-74797 — Build may fail to upload artifacts in multi-node setup
TW-74645 — Build details dropdown always has horizontal scrollbar
TW-74542 — Bad browser tab title on Single Change page, if change does not exist
TW-74745 — Build artifact directory can be removed by clean-up process if the build configuration name or the project external id was upper(lower)cased
TW-74985 — it's not possible to configure using path-style URL access to s3 bucket
TW-57482 — TeamCity Service Message - Build Problem & Block Messages Issue
TW-74173 — IntelliJ 2021.3 cannot be uploaded as a tool in TeamCity: "Package is invalid"
TW-74505 — Jacoco report service message with reportDir parameter does not generate report
TW-74948 — Suite name does not appear in the tests report sometimes
TW-72705 — Default branch build with checkout rules specified isn't reused in non-default branch build chain
TW-74763 — Pull Requests build feature uses wrong state parameter when querying for open merge requests
TW-74992 — Python (pytest) Runner incorrectly escapes coverage arguments preventing multiple arguments
TW-62154 — jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.v2018_2.BuildSteps#dockerBuild should be marked as deprecated
TW-74895 — Missing build step metric names in Build -> Parameters -> Reported statistic values
TW-74931 — Install of current "IntelliJ Inspections and Duplicates Engine" fails
TW-58149 — Java API: Composite queued build returns agents for getCanRunOnAgents call
TW-74750 — PerfMon data for running builds is not available on nodes which are not responsible for the current build
TW-74575 — K8s plugin: PVC created together with Pod (Custom Pod Template) might be orphaned if Pod failed to create
TW-74595 — Apply Ring UI-like styles to Classic UI controls
TW-72990 — Build Page: Titles Should be Bigger
TW-74794 — Schedule trigger may trigger a build twice
TW-74488 — Misaligned quick links on build expanded view
TW-74734 — Builds list is not updated when a build is taken from the queue
TW-31663 — Confusing project without parent on Overview and Configure visible projects dialog
TW-62530 — Hide sidebar automatically after search was complete with the selection of the item
TW-74824 — Listener error when using TestNg 7.5
TW-52638 — Manual build Promote action promotes the build to all artifact dependencies in dependent build
TW-74629 — Not all of the parameters of a composite build are shown on the build parameters tab
TW-74814 — Build steps names collision causes incomplete list of build steps to be displayed
TW-74656 — Wrong PR number in teamcity.pullRequest.number parameter
TW-74467 — Health items are not updated when a user navigates through Sakura UI
TW-74661 — Account lockout when using ticket value in VCS Root with Perforce and active directory domain integrated authentication
TW-73619 — The "Highlight my changes and investigations" setting does not work in terms of highlighting my investigations
TW-73667 — Incorrect rendering of a combination of emoji and space in autogenerated avatars
TW-74509 — Don't collapse build problem section on cmd + click
TW-73473 — The pager on the Build Changes tab disappears after switching between pages in reverse order
TW-74694 — ConcurrentModificationException in UserInvestigationsCounterProvider on server start
TW-74251 — More visible icon for assigned investigation (build page)
TW-73390 — Align and rename "Remote run" label for a single personal change
TW-74292 — When creating or editing a VCS root using a connection button, a user must press it twice
TW-74666 — Build cannot stop probably because it is routed to incorrect node with id MAIN_SERVER instead of actual id of the main node
TW-74111 — Fix nesting of publishing artifacts messages (verbose logging level)
TW-74503 — failed to get project vcs-roots via API when another project with no access has vcs root with same name
TW-74614 — AssertionError in HierarchyMessagesProcessor.process(
TW-74601 — Parameter has a different case compared with other parameters
TW-74427 — Secure FTP uploads fail when using the FTP Upload build runner
TW-74522 — Pull request build feature may fail to provide relevant branches in a build configuration if it is misconfigured in another build configuration that uses the same VCS root
TW-74453 — Dependency parameters are displayed as missing yet they have defined values
TW-68545 — git ls-remote process hanging on Windows agent
TW-74454 — Artifacts upload: retry OPTIONS requests
TW-73288 — UnPin clears existing tags on first attempt (Classic UI)
TW-74138 — Warning about unset parameter "teamcity.agent.hostname"
TW-73534 — Hide "New configuration... / New subprojects..." under "Edit project..." dropdown
TW-74391 — Increase Block Headers on the Build Page
TW-74513 — An avatar doesn't fit in expanded build line
TW-72942 — Add "Build log" Icon to "Show full log" button
TW-73610 — Consider placing "Copy to clipboard" link at the bottom of the stacktrace
TW-74501 — Background is not uniform for expanded build in queue
TW-68851 — "Failed to process 'buckets' request: Connection to "" is prohibited by TeamCity node restrictions" on the secondary node
TW-72581 — Docker Wrapper doesn't escape ampersand when passing environment variables into containers
TW-72565 — Add a note about the usage of permissions in information about connections
TW-74289 — Canceled build status is not published to Space Merge Request
TW-72927 — Files with special Perforce characters in names are displayed and applied incorrectly in perforce patch
TW-74181 — Concurrent publishing of artifacts via service messages sometimes causes build to fail with FileNotFoundException when there is a large number of artifacts
TW-70200 — Per-usage license: secondary node reports "Failed to send server usage data"
TW-74372 — Links to the Tabs for the Expanded Build UI

Performance Problem

TW-74787 — Slow VCS root instances calculation because of inefficient code in DefaultToolVersionsImpl
TW-74803 — Should not cleanup all caches in AgentTypeStorage when agent pool is deleted or projects are removed from it.
TW-75085 — Slow order and visibility computation for overview page
TW-72284 — Finish composite builds immediately when the last dependency is finished
TW-75006 — SequenceLoader recalculates readiness of all items in it
TW-74833 — Slow loading of a large project configuration files probably because of ProjectsLoader.preprocessIds performing unnecessary file operations (network file system)
TW-73704 — Test details expanding can take a lot of time
TW-73572 — Build agents cannot send messages to server because server does not accept the messages, XmlRpcPoolQueueOverflownException (caused by PerfMon plugin)
TW-74722 — REST API calls fetching all branches of a particular project are slow and CPU consuming
TW-74355 — JDK chooser control can slow down loading of the build step editing page
TW-74349 — Builds List in Safari has low FPS when a user scrolls/moves pointer over it.
TW-73923 — Avoid re-calculating tests statistics for composite builds without currently running dependencies
TW-74377 — Not needed locks when loading Test history data
TW-74376 — TeamCity may inter-lock requests for some non-related builds
TW-74281 — Server may occupy all http-nio threads by blocked requests from agents


TW-75087 — Add intermediate messages about current progress
TW-74870 — Unbundle REST API plugins for 2017.1 and 2017.2 protocols
TW-74864 — Unbundle CVS plugin
TW-74834 — Add agent and build count to thread dumps
TW-74837 — Add a possibility to get user avatar URLs in JSP
TW-74570 — Update in Commit Status Publisher to reflect that it is built by Gradle
TW-74687 — Restrict exception and stack trace visibility to admin users
TW-74429 — Update copyright (2021 -> 2022)
TW-74649 — S3 storage UI redesign
TW-74612 — Allow to hide servlet container details on error page
TW-72679 — Health report about deprecating Java 1.8
TW-72394 — Investigate necessity of a new index in build_state table (build_type_id, build_id)

Security Problem

8 security problems have been fixed.

Last modified: 17 August 2022