TeamCity Cloud 2024.12 Help

Reporting Issues

If you experience problems running TeamCity and believe they are related to the software, please contact us with a detailed description of the issue.

In case with TeamCity Cloud, you only need to provide your server URL, and our support will be able to check the state of your server.

Agent does not connect to the server

Please refer to Common Problems.

Patch Application Problems

In case the server-side checkout is used, the "patch" that is passed from the server to the agent can be retrieved by:

  • add the property to the build configuration.

  • trigger the build. the build log and the agent log will contain the line "Patch is saved to file $\{\}"Get the file and supply it with the problem description.

Logging for .NET Runners

To investigate process launch issues for .NET-related runners, enable debugging as described below. The detailed information will then be printed into the build log. It is recommended not to have the debug logging for a long time and revert the settings after investigation.

Aa alternative way to enable the logging is as follows: Add the teamcity.agent.dotnet.debug=true configuration parameter in the build configuration or on the agent and run the build.

  1. Open the <agent home>/plugins/dotnetPlugin/bin directory.

  2. Make a backup copy of teamcity-log4net.xml.

  3. Replace teamcity-log4net.xml with the content of teamcity-log4net-debug.xml.

Remote Run Problems

The changes that are sent from the IDE to the server on a remote run can be retrieved from the server .BuildServer/system/changes directory. Locate the <change_number>.changes file that corresponds to your change (you can pick the latest number available or deduce the URL of the change from the web UI). The file contains the patch in the binary form. Please send it with the problem description.

Logging in IntelliJ IDEA/Platform-based IDEs

To enable debug logging for the IntelliJ Platform-based IDE plugin, include the following fragment into the Log4j configuration of the <IDE home>/bin/log.xml file.

<appender name="TC-FILE" class="org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender">   <param name="MaxFileSize" value="10Mb"/>   <param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="10"/>   <param name="file" value="$LOG_DIR$/idea-teamcity.log"/>   <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">     <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d [%7r] %6p - %30.30c - %m \n"/>   </layout> </appender>   <appender name="TC-XMLRPC-FILE" class="org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender">   <param name="MaxFileSize" value="10Mb"/>   <param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="10"/>   <param name="file" value="$LOG_DIR$/idea-teamcity-xmlrpc.log"/>   <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">     <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d [%7r] %6p - %30.30c - %m \n"/>   </layout> </appender>   <category name="jetbrains.buildServer.XMLRPC" additivity="false">   <priority value="DEBUG"/>   <appender-ref ref="TC-XMLRPC-FILE"/> </category>   <category name="jetbrains.buildServer" additivity="false">   <priority value="DEBUG"/>   <appender-ref ref="TC-FILE"/> </category>

After changing this file, restart the IDE. The TeamCity plugin debug logs are saved into idea-teamcity\* files and will appear in the logs' directory of the IDE settings (<IDE settings/Data Directory>/system/log directory).

Open in IDE Functionality Logging

Add the following JVM option before starting IntelliJ IDEA:

The logging related to the open in IDE functionality will appear in the IDE console.

No Suitable Build Configurations Found for Remote Run

First of all, check that your VCS settings in IDEA correspond to the VCS settings in TeamCity. If they do not, change them and it should fix the problem.

Secondly, check that the build configurations you expect to be suitable with your IDEA project has either server-side VCS checkout mode or agent-side checkout and NOT manual VCS checkout mode (it is not possible to apply a personal patch for a build with the manual checkout mode because TeamCity must apply that patch after the VCS checkout is done, but it does not know or manage the time when it is performed).

If the settings are the same and you do not use the manual checkout mode but the problem is there, do the following:

  • Provide us with your IDEA VCS settings and TeamCity VCS settings (for the build configurations you expect to be suitable with your IDEA project)

  • Enable debug logs for the TeamCity IntelliJ plugin (see above)

  • In the TeamCity IntelliJ plugin, try to start a remote run build

  • Provide us with the debug logs from the TeamCity IntelliJ plugin and from the TeamCity server.

TeamCity Visual Studio Add-in issues

TeamCity Add-in logging

To capture logs from the TeamCity Visual Studio Addin:

  1. Locate the Visual Studio installation directory (in the example below c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Common7\IDE)

  2. Run Microsoft Visual Studio executable (INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe) from the command line with the ReSharper-related command line arguments:

    • For TeamCity VS Add-in as a part of ReSharper Ultimate, use /ReSharper.LogFile <PATH_TO_FILE> and /ReSharper.LogLevel <Normal|Verbose|Trace> switches

      c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Common7\IDE>devenv.exe /ReSharper.LogFile C:\Users\jetbrains\Desktop\vs.log /ReSharper.LogLevel Verbose
    • For the legacy version of TeamCity VS Add-in, use /TeamCity.LogFile <PATH_TO_FILE> and /TeamCity.LogLevel <Normal|Verbose|Trace> switches

Visual Studio logging

To troubleshoot common Visual Studio, run Microsoft Visual Studio executable INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe with the /Log command Line switch and send us the resulting log file.

dotCover Issues

To collect additional logs generated by JetBrains dotCover, add the teamcity.agent.dotCover.log configuration parameter to the build configuration. This parameter should store an absolute or relative path to an empty agent directory where you want to keep dotCover logs. If you need to publish these logs as build artifacts, add the same directory path to the list of artifact paths.

JVM Crashes

On a rare occasion of the TeamCity agent process terminating unexpectedly with no apparent reason, it can happen that this is caused by a Java runtime crash.
If this happens, the JVM regularly creates a file named hs_err_pid*.log in the working directory of the process. The working directory is usually or agent home>/bin. You can also search the disk for the recent files with hs_err_pid in the name. See also the related Fatal Error Log section in this document.

Please send this file to us for investigation and consider updating the agents' JVM to the latest version available.

Build Log Issues

While investigating issues related to a build log, we might need the raw binary build log as stored by TeamCity. It can be downloaded via the Web UI from the Build Log build's tab: select "Verbose" log detail and use the "raw messages file" link in the upper right corner.

IntelliJ IDEA Inspections

The inspections result from a TeamCity build may not match inspections from a local run in IntelliJ IDEA.

To help us investigate issues with inspections, do the following:

  1. Add system.teamcity.dont.delete.temp.result.dir=true to the configuration parameters

  2. Add*result/** => rule to Artifact paths

  3. Add** => rule to Artifact paths

  4. Add to the runner's JVM command line parameters field.

  5. Run a new build.

  6. Send us inspections-reports-*.zip files.

Uploading Large Data Archives

Files under 10 MB in size can be attached right into the tracker issue (if you do not want the attachments to be publicly accessible, limit the attachment visibility to "teamcity-developers" user group only).
You can also send small files (up to 2 MB) via email: or via online form (up to 20 MB). Please do not forget to mention your TeamCity version and environment and archive the files before attaching.

Large files can be uploaded via Please let us know the exact filename after the upload.

If you cannot upload a large file in one go, try splitting the file into parts and upload them separately.

Last modified: 24 September 2024