Delete all queued builds.
Endpoint |
Parameters |
Get all queued builds.
Endpoint |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Add a new build to the queue.
Update the build queue order.
Get the queue position of a queued matching build.
Endpoint |
Consumes |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Update the queue position of a queued matching build.
Get approval info of a queued matching build.
Endpoint |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Approve queued build with approval feature enabled.
Endpoint |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Get tags of the queued matching build.
Endpoint |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Add tags to the matching build.
Endpoint |
Consumes |
Parameters |
Delete a queued matching build.
Endpoint |
Parameters |
Get a queued matching build.
Endpoint |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Cancel a queued matching build.
Endpoint |
Consumes |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Get compatible agents for a queued matching build.
Endpoint |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
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