TeamCity On-Premises 2024.12 Help

TeamCity 2024.07.1 Release Notes

Build 160635, 6 August 2024


TW-88719 — JB license: Offline activation and Licenses page loading may take several seconds, if request to JBA is waiting for response

TW-89184 — Running Maven in docker using <Custom> maven version fails

TW-89131 — Custom build dialog triggers a build with original artifact dependency even if dependency is set to rebuild

TW-88942 — JB license: Add separate help link to the documentation page that describes activation process

TW-89060 — Maven's release:prepare goal is failing in TC build step with ProvisionException

TW-89186 — Excessive memory usage in CheckingForChangesPrecondition

TW-86534 — No information about the revoked JB license is logged into the audit

TW-88770 — "Remove queued builds produced by this trigger" in GitHub Checks Webhook Trigger doesn't work

TW-89093 — JB License: Warnings "Could not parse agent maintenance due date in TeamCity License: unlimited" in teamcity-server.log, if a Professional license is activated

TW-89120 — Edit build configuration: Internal runner ID instead of name is shown in the sidebar

TW-88800 — JB license: No warnings about expiring licenses, if their maintenance date is in the past, but there are no updates from update.xml

TW-88956 — VCS root is saved with obsolete params in DSL

TW-88101 — Failed to log in to TeamCity from Visual Studio: DeserializeResponse

TW-89083 — Use last known revision for the versioned settings VCS root if it's revision is not specified in REST API revisions payload

TW-88142 — Perforce: Stream ChangeView with blanks in paths leads to VCS root errors

TW-88768 — Rerun a build triggered by "GitHub Checks Trigger" in TeamCity doesn't update the status in GitHub

TW-87693 — Agent service under Windows does not use bundled jre, and fails to start if JAVA_HOME is not defined

TW-89036 — When a part of a composite build is cancelled due to agent timeout on agent start, a build may be stuck in a "Not defined" state

TW-88830 — A lot of warnings "Unknown GitHub App permission" in teamcity-connections.log

TW-88923 — JB license: Do not show agents table, if Open Source license is activated

TW-88935 — Problems tab: no pop-up window for subprojects when tests/problems are selected via checkboxes

TW-88962 — Agents running from Windows 2024.07-1809 docker images become incompatible with some runners after restart

TW-87881 — Build status can be failed but no problems in the overview (probably because of recently muted tests)

TW-88843 — JB license: Confirm button in Deactivation dialog is disabled, if there is trailing or leading space in Server URL

TW-88755 — JB license: Warning "Agent licenses do not support the latest version of TeamCity server" is not shown, if server license has expired

TW-88698 — Add support for org.opentest4j.FIleInfo for Gradle runner

Performance Problem

TW-89058 — Build chain modifier produces a project persisting task per each new virtual build configuration

TW-57528 — Global health item can slowdown web UI


TW-88729 — Add a responsible node id configuration parameter

TW-22179 — Show warning if artifacts dependency resolving will cause checkout directory cleanup


6 security problems have been fixed. This number includes both native TeamCity issues and vulnerabilities found in 3rd-party libraries TeamCity depends on. Upstream library issues usually make up the majority of this total number, and are promptly resolved by updating these libraries to their newest versions.

To learn more about fixed vulnerabilities directly related to TeamCity, check out our Security Bulletin. Security bulletins for new versions are typically published within the next few days after the release date.

Last modified: 08 August 2024