TeamCity 2025.03 Release Notes
Build 186049, 20 March 2025
TW-79442 — Perforce support in the Automatic Merge feature
TW-90639 — Improve navigation in TeamCity
TW-89046 — Edit mode for TeamCity project and build configuration administration area
TW-89008 — Redesign the page header panel for Build, Build Configuration and Project pages
TW-91941 — Using build steps from JetBrains Marketplace directly in the TeamCity interface
TW-59840 — Run build configuration in Docker container
TW-91908 — Add a health report for disconnected agents
TW-87125 — Add ability to control dep. parameters propagation along the build chain (Output parameters)
TW-91697 — Support Docker Wrapper for Kotlin Script runner
TW-89640 — Trigger only Pull Request builds by GitHub Checks Webhook trigger
TW-91283 — Update .NET in docker agent images
TW-92074 — Update bundled Kotlin tool to 2.1.10
TW-64626 — Stop supporting alternate credentials in Team Foundation Work Items integration
TW-91541 — Store VCS repository state in dedicated tables
TW-91150 — Gradle maxRetries from the Enterprise plugin is deprecated and will be removed in 9.0
TW-87691 — EC2 Cloud Profile: TC only attempts to use one instance type from the list configured in the Spot-based Image settings
TW-92182 — Artifact dependency change details cannot be displayed with eternal "Loading..."
TW-68571 — Add validation of Server URL field for GitLab CE/EE, GitHub Enterprise, Space connections
TW-92499 — Agentless Kubernetes Executor: Parameters available in executor not working for auto-generated build configs (f.e. Matrix Build Feature)
TW-86907 — EC2 userdata script does not run for Windows AMI
TW-92364 — Confusing "cannot find previous revision" message after settings changes commit failure
TW-91499 — Git changes in 2.48.x may lead to changing existing TeamCity functionality
TW-87369 — "Promote the watched build" in Schedule trigger can work incorrectly if artifact dependency has a different rule
TW-90061 — Unhandled error during Test Connect in Pull Request Build Feature when selected VCS hosting type does not match VCS root hosting type
TW-92424 — Messages related to artifacts publishing do not appear under the curresponding block
TW-86451 — Shared resource with distinct custom values sometimes doles out the same value to two same time running build configs
TW-92466 — Public Recipes: add support of the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION variable in aws-s3-copy recipe
TW-91685 — Token management: improve display of token scope in the VCS Auth Tokens table
TW-76564 — Unclear error if profile id exceeded maximum length
TW-92498 — BuildAgent may hang on a faulty artifact publishing command
TW-92278 — FormSelect element causes an empty checkbox to show up
TW-79922 — Kubernetes Executor: execution timeout applies to each build step separately
TW-92400 — Mistakes in HAProxy multinode configuration example
TW-92199 — Container Deployer runner is broken since 2024.12.1
TW-92350 — Tooltips position on buttons
TW-91928 — Build steps configured to execute always are terminated if build was stopped due to execution timeout
TW-90921 — dotCover doesn't work when building in Docker on Windows with different host and container drives
TW-92226 — New Edit Mode: lags after scrolling on Cloud Profiles page
TW-92052 — Pause is visible only after page reload
TW-91861 — Inaccurate metric value - build_queue_incompatible
TW-92303 — Signal Not Propagated to Final Process on Build Cancellation
TW-90937 — When a build is removed from TeamCity, the audit details are also removed
TW-91627 — Unnecessary pending changes if "show settings changes" is enabled in versioned settings configuration
TW-90738 — Error in a single cloud AWS image blocks the whole cloud profile
TW-91033 — Confusing UX in build failure condition based on metric change
TW-91148 — Kubernetes Executor: K8s connection and pod template are lost after the project copying
TW-65534 — Agent fails with out of memory error on persisting many configuration parameters
TW-92172 — Composite build canceled on secondary node may start on main one (race condition)
TW-92038 — Action button icon changes when build has custom parameters
TW-92035 — Get token endpoint on HashiCorp Vault fails on secondary nodes
TW-87135 — Cloud Image changes trigger agents' termination
TW-91598 — Settings toggle jumps when user navigates within the settings options
TW-91463 — Token Management: Add a way to see the whole long project name in the "Generate new token" dialog
TW-91524 — No detection for .NET Framework ARM64 on Windows ARM64 computers
TW-90029 — After login using Azure Active Directory, UI falls back to classic UI
TW-85282 — Cloud profile errors are hardly visible
TW-91547 — Unfriendly error on attempt to create a repository from URL without providing credentials
TW-64629 — Stop supporting alternate credential in TFS plugin
TW-91297 — JSON credentials tokens may be moved into child projects on creating project copy
TW-91519 — [AWS Core] Permissions check returns error
TW-91493 — Experimental Overview usage statistics are reported incorrectly when Sakura is enabled by default globally
TW-90934 — Token Management: Add the audit record about the generation/deletion of the new VCS token
TW-91286 — Add tags to run types from .NET plugin to improve their discoverability
TW-91280 — Add tags to SimpleRunner to improve its discoverability
TW-78963 — Illegal argument exception in teamcity-server.log
TW-88045 — Close button not visible in build log dialog
TW-90522 — Change logging to INFO when no tests or test definitions are found in .trx files
TW-69763 — Pull requests build feature cannot determine which pull request a build is related too
TW-90237 — Review 2FA recovery codes dialog texts [ZD-6815480]
TW-65491 — The internal id is displayed as a build number in Jira Cloud
TW-75030 — Build triggers unexpectedly after unpausing job from Kotlin
TW-90456 — Maven archetype tc-sdk reload task does not work because of missing common-api.jar in new TeamCity versions
TW-90739 — NullPointerException in REST API when processing webhook in GitHub Webhooks plugin.
TW-90969 — Builds triggered in a large project with versioned settings in "use settings from VCS" mode and Kotlin format can prevent start of unrelated builds
TW-92370 — Lots of concurrent getCurrentStateCalls to the same VCS repository
TW-92147 — Slow Artifacts tab of a composite build
TW-92237 — Inefficient code in VcsSettingsBean.getPopularVcsRoots
TW-91377 — Hanging REST API call (dependencies loop?)
TW-91272 — Lots of interlocking in BuildChainModifier during the versioned settings freeze if there are several similar build chains in the queue
TW-89853 — DirectoryScanner consumes a lot of memory on the agent side
11 security problems have been fixed. This number includes both native TeamCity issues and vulnerabilities found in 3rd-party libraries TeamCity depends on. Upstream library issues usually make up the majority of this total number, and are promptly resolved by updating these libraries to their newest versions.
To learn more about fixed vulnerabilities directly related to TeamCity, check out our Security Bulletin. Security bulletins for new versions are typically published within the next few days after the release date.