Upsource 2020.1 Help

Upgrading Upsource cluster

Follow this guide to upgrade your existing Upsource cluster installation to a newer one. Upgrade procedures vary significantly depending on the version increment (i.e. 2020.1.1 to 2020.1.2 vs. 2019.1.X to 2020.1.X) as outlined below.

Minor upgrade

Use this instruction when upgrading to a version that only differs by a build number, for example, when upgrading from 2020.1.0 to 2020.1.2.

  1. Stop Upsource cluster and remove its containers:

    ./ -H tcp://<>:<swarm.master.port> stop ./ -H tcp://<>:<swarm.master.port> rm

  2. Download cluster-config-<major.minor.NewBuildNumber>.zip

    Important! If you've ever changed the following files:


    • docker-compose.yml

    • docker-compose-cluster-init.yml

    • docker-compose-cluster-upgrade.yml

    for example, added new analyzer properties), you need to:

    • Rename the old changed file(s) (e.g.

    • Save the new and docker-compose.yml files in the same directory.

    • Copy changed and added lines from the old files to the new ones.

  3. Check that a correct UPSOURCE_VERSION is set inside

  4. Start Upsource cluster:

    ./ -H tcp://<>:<swarm.master.port> up

Major upgrade

Use this instruction when:

  • upgrading to a new major version, for example, from 2019.1.111 to 2020.1.111

  • migrating from a ZIP or a Docker installation.

  1. Create a backup of your existing installation.

  2. Stop Upsource cluster:

    ./ -H tcp://<>:<swarm.master.port> stop ./ -H tcp://<>:<swarm.master.port> rm

  3. On the host machine where the Cassandra database is running, delete all data from the folder the Cassandra volume is mapped to. The default directory is <cassandra host>/opt/upsource/cassandra. The actual directory is defined in docker-compose.yml

  4. Copy your date-specific backup folder (let's assume the folder containing backup is /upsource/backup/2017 Oct 11 12-18-26) to the node ${UPSOURCE_CLUSTER_INIT_NODE}

  5. Add that backup directory path to the property UPSOURCE_UPGRADE_SOURCE_BACKUP_DIRECTORY located in the file docker-compose-params.env.

  6. Provide access rights to that backup folder:

    chown -R 13001:13001 "/upsource/backup/2017 Oct 11 12-18-26"

  7. Download cluster-config-<major.minor.NewBuildNumber>.zip

    Important! If you've ever changed the following files:


    • docker-compose.yml

    • docker-compose-cluster-init.yml

    • docker-compose-cluster-upgrade.yml

    for example, added new analyzer properties), you need to:

    • Rename the old changed file(s) (e.g.

    • Save the new and docker-compose.yml files in the same directory.

    • Copy changed and added lines from the old files to the new ones.

  8. Check that a correct UPSOURCE_VERSION is set inside

  9. Add the following line to upsource.env:

  10. Run the following command:

    ./ upgrade-cluster -H tcp://<>:<swarm.master.port>

    This command:

    • Stops Upsource cluster services (if there are any running).

    • Starts the Cassandra database and applies the backup to it.

    • Stops Cassandra.

  11. Check that the command has run successfully. The execution logs are located in the directory /var/log/upsource/cluster-init of the ${UPSOURCE_CLUSTER_INIT_NODE} node.

  12. Start Upsource cluster:

    ./ -H tcp://<>:<swarm.master.port> up

Last modified: 02 April 2021