
Upsource webhooks

Last modified: 02 April 2021

Upsource webhooks allow you to notify external services, such as an issue tracker, a CI server, or a deployment tool, about events that occur in an Upsource project. Webhooks are a way to push notifications to external services which is usually preferable to polling. When an event occurs inside Upsource we'll send a JSON payload to specified URLs using HTTP POST. The following events are available:

  • a comment is added

  • a reaction to a comment is added or removed

  • a review is created

  • a review closed or reopened

  • a review is removed

  • reviewed changes are accepted by a reviewer / a concern is raised about the changes

  • a new participant is added to a review

  • a review participant is removed

  • a revision is added to a review

  • a new revision is detected

  • a new branch is detected

  • an existing branch is deleted

  • a merge is made to the default branch