Repository and Incoming tabs
VCS | Show Changes View - Repository/Incoming
View | Tool Windows | Version Control - Repository/Incoming
The Repository and Incoming tabs are only available for non-distributed version control systems (that is all VCSs supported by WebStorm except for Git and Mercurial).
The Repository tab shows the changes committed to the repository under the VCS roots within the current project. The Incoming tab shows the changes committed to the repository by other team members, and not yet checked out locally. Both tabs display the information stored in the history cache. The number of changelists displayed depends on the cache scope.
Each tab contains the following panes:
The Changelists pane shows changelists.
The Changed Files pane shows the list of files that were modified and committed within the selected changelist.
Note that if you are using SVN 1.5 or later both on the server and in the local working copies, the Repository tab also features a Merge Info pane that configures the view in the other two panes and provides control over integration between branches.
Changelists Pane
The pane shows the changelists committed and stored in the history cache. When you click a changelist, the files affected by the selected commit are displayed in the Changed Files pane.
Committed changelists often correspond to issues in tracking systems. You can have such issues opened in the browser right from the Changelists pane. This functionality has the following prerequisites:
The pattern of the bug tracking system is specified in the Issue Navigation Settings dialog.
The corresponding issue number is mentioned in the commit message.
After issue navigation has been configured, issue numbers in commit messages are rendered as links. Clicking such link brings you to the corresponding page of your issue tracker.
Item | Tooltip and Shortcut | Description | Available In |
Refresh Ctrl+F5 | Click this button to refresh the information in the view. | Both tabs | |
Show Details Ctrl+Q | Click this button to show the following information on the selected changelist:
| Both tabs | |
Create Patch | Click this button to create a patch based on the selected changelist. | Repository tab | |
Revert Changes | Click this button to create a reverse patch for the selected changelist and roll back the changes made previously. You can use this action to revert changes committed by any user. The Select Target Changelist dialog opens. Note that if the reverse patch applies to a version committed earlier, this rollback attempt may fail because of the conflicts with the later changes. | Repository tab | |
Clear | Click this button to clear the history cache. The commits list will be emptied. To restore it, click Refresh. | Repository | |
Edit Revision Comment | Click this button to edit the message for the selected commit. | Repository | |
Update Project Ctrl+T | Click this button to update the project to the latest available version. | Incoming tab | |
Expand All Ctrl+NumPad + | Click this button to expand all nodes. | Both tabs | |
Collapse All Ctrl+NumPad - | Click this button to collaps all nodes. | Both tabs | |
Copy Ctrl+C | Click this button to copy the commit message of the selected changelist to the Clipboard. | Both tabs | |
Help F1 | Open a browser and show the corresponding help page. | Both tabs | |
Highlight Integrated | Click this button to have the Merge Info pane displayed. The button is enabled only when both the server side and the client side use Subversion 1.5. | Repository tab | |
Filter by | Use this list to hide the changelists that are of no interest to you, and only view only the changelists that satisfy a certain criterion. The following options are available:
| Both tabs | |
Group by | Use this list to group changelists following a certain criterion. The following options are available:
| Both tabs | |
Search | Use this field to enter a search pattern and locate the commits whose commit messages matches the specified string. As you type, the list dynamically reduces to show the changelists with the commit messages that match the specified pattern. To save the search pattern, press Enter. To view the list of recent search patterns, click the To clear the list of search patterns, click the | Repository tab |
Changed files pane
Item | Tooltip and Shortcut | Description |
Show Diff Ctrl+D | Click this button to show the differences between the current and the previous revision of the selected file. | |
Show Diff with Local | Click this button to show the differences between the selected revision of the selected file and its current local copy. | |
Edit Source F4 | Click this button to open the local copy of the selected file for editing. | |
Open Repository Version | Click this button to open the repository version of the selected file. | |
Revert Selected Changes | Click this button to revert the changes to the selected file and roll back to its previous revision. | |
Integrate to Branch | Click this button to integrate the changes from the selected file to the target branch. | |
Compare Subversion Properties | This option is only available if you are using Subversion as your version control system. Click this button to view the differences in file properties between the current version and the previous revision. | |
Show History | Click this button to open the History view of the selected file in the Version Control tool window Alt+9. | |
Group by Directory Ctrl+P | Click this button to transform a flat list of files into a tree of packages with files. | |
Expand All Ctrl+NumPad + | Click this button to expand all nodes. The button is available only when the files in the pane are displayed grouped by directories. | |
Collapse All Ctrl+NumPad - | Click this button to collapse all nodes. The button is available only when the files in the pane are displayed grouped by directories. |
Merge Info pane
The pane is available only if you are using SVN 1.5 or later both on the server and in the local working copies.
In this pane, specify a pair of branches whose integration with each other you want to monitor. The Changelists pane will show the changelists related to the specified branches and provide the information on the integration status of each changelist.
You can specify several pairs of branches if several projects or roots are involved.
Item | Tooltip and Shortcut | Description |
From | Specify the URL address of the source branch. WebStorm suggests the URL address selected in the Checkout from Subversion dialog. | |
To | Do the following:
| |
Highlight Integrated | Click this button to have each changelist in the Changelists pane supplied with an indication of whether it is integrated or not. | |
Integrate To Branch | Click this button to integrate the selected changelist into the working copy. The Integrate To Branch dialog opens. | |
Undo Integrate To Branch | Click this button to revert the last integration of the selected changelist into the working copy. | |
Mark As Merged | Click this button to indicate that the selected changelist is integrated into the working copy without actually integrating the changelist. The action affects the administrative information in the .svn folder. The icon next to the selected changelist changes from | |
Mark As Not Merged | Click this button to indicate that the selected changelist is not integrated into the working copy without actually reverting integration. Update the administrative information in the .svn folder. The icon next to the selected changelist changes from | |
Filter Out Integrated | Click this button to display only changelists that have not been integrated into the working copy. | |
Filter Out Not Integrated | Click this button to display only changelists that have been integrated into the working copy. | |
Filter Out Others | Click this button to hide extraneous changelists in the Changelists pane. Extraneous changelists are changelists that are managed in another VCS or are located under another root. | |
Show Working Copies | Click this button to open the Subversion Working Copies Information dialog. | |
Refresh | Click this button to refresh the information in the Changelists pane. |