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Mermaid diagrams

Last modified: 11 November 2024

Writerside includes built-in support for creating diagrams using Mermaid, a JavaScript-based tool for diagramming and charting. Mermaid allows you to define diagrams using a simple, Markdown-inspired syntax.

Mermaid supports numerous types of diagrams and charts, including flowcharts, Gantt charts, pie charts, and Git graphs.

To add a Mermaid diagram, insert a code block and set the language to mermaid. For example, here is how you can add a simple graph:

<code-block lang="mermaid">
graph LR
   A[Do you write docs?]
   A -- Yes --> B[Use Writerside]
   A -- No --> C[Tell us why]

The result will look as follows:



Do you write docs?

Use Writerside

Tell us why