YouTrack Cloud

Gantt Chart

Last modified: 14 February 2025

This report shows issues as a linked series of dependent tasks. Tasks are represented on the Gantt chart by a bar. The length of the bar represents the duration of the task. The duration is either the estimated time required to complete the task or the actual amount of time spent — whichever is greater. Each issue is assigned a start date based on the report start date and the duration that is assigned to predecessor tasks.

The Gantt chart uses the standard finish-to-start dependency relationship. This means that predecessor tasks and subtasks must be finished before work can begin on tasks with dependency links. Subtasks show a start-to-start dependency relationship with other subtasks that do not have dependency links.

The report supports capacity limitations. This option lets you measure how much time is required to finish all estimated tasks with a set number of resources. You can use this setting to judge whether you can finish your tasks on time with your current resources and measure how much faster you can complete these tasks when you add resources to the team.

When the report is calculated, the start date, end date, and total number of working days are displayed at the top of the page. For charts with unlimited capacity, you can toggle the presentation to show the actual or estimated duration for each task on the chart. On charts with limited capacity, you can display the estimated view when you remove the spent time field from the report settings.

  • The Estimated view shows how much time was estimated for each task. Tasks with dependency links are set to start when the predecessor task is estimated to finish.

  • The Actual view includes the amount of time that was spent on each task. Tasks with dependency links are set to start when the predecessor task is actually done. When a predecessor task is completed before the estimated finish date, dependent tasks are scheduled to start earlier. If a predecessor task takes longer than estimated, the dependent tasks are delayed.

The following options are available in both views:

  • Move the pointer over a bar to display detailed information for the corresponding task. For a detailed description of these values, see Calculations.

  • Click the issue ID to open an issue in a new browser tab. Use this option to update the estimation and spent time for the corresponding task.

  • When the total duration of the tasks exceeds the width of the report, click the bar at the bottom of the report to scroll through the timeline. You can also drag the bar to zoom in and out on the timeline.