Update Existing User
POST <REST API URL>/users/{user id}
Request Body
extends authorityHolder
extended by invitedUser, organizationMember, projectTeamMember
"login": string,
"banned": boolean,
"banReason": string,
"banBadge": string,
"guest": boolean,
"avatar": avatar,
"profile": profile,
"groups": [userGroup, ...],
"organizations": [organization, ...],
"transitiveOrganizations": [organization, ...],
"transitiveGroups": [userGroup, ...],
"teams": [projectTeam, ...],
"transitiveTeams": [projectTeam, ...],
"details": [details, ...],
"VCSUserNames": [vcsUserName, ...],
"sshPublicKeys": [sshPublicKey, ...],
"helpdeskProjectSettings": [projectHelpdeskSettings, ...],
"creationTime": calendar,
"lastAccessTime": calendar,
"refreshTokens": [refreshToken, ...],
"permanentTokens": [permanentToken, ...],
"approvedScopes": [approvedScope, ...],
"applicationPasswords": [applicationPassword, ...],
"favoriteProjects": [project, ...],
"endUserAgreementConsent": endUserAgreementConsent,
"eraseTimestamp": calendar,
"twoFactorAuthentication": twoFactorAuthentication,
"requiredTwoFactorAuthentication": boolean,
"pendingTwoFactorAuthentication": twoFactorAuthenticationSecret,
"webauthnDevice": webauthnDevice,
"userType": userType,
"permissions": [string, ...],
"id": string /* from authorityHolder */,
"aliases": [alias, ...] /* from authorityHolder */,
"name": string /* from authorityHolder */,
"projectRoles": [projectRole, ...] /* from authorityHolder */,
"transitiveProjectRoles": [projectRole, ...] /* from authorityHolder */,
"sourcedProjectRoles": [sourcedProjectRole, ...] /* from authorityHolder */,
"organizationRoles": [organizationRole, ...] /* from authorityHolder */,
"transitiveOrganizationRoles": [organizationRole, ...] /* from authorityHolder */,
"sourcedOrganizationRoles": [sourcedOrganizationRole, ...] /* from authorityHolder */
Response Code | Meaning |
200 OK | Successful request. |
400 Bad Request | At least one of the request parameters is invalid. For example, a required field in the passed JSON object is missing. For details, check the error message in the response. |
403 Forbidden | The requester has no access to the requested resource. |
404 Not Found | The requested resource was not found. |
500 Internal Server Error | Failed to process request because of the server error. For details, check the error message in the response. |
Last modified: 11 March 2025