YouTrack Standalone 2017.1 Help

Full Page View

The full page view displays all of the information related to an issue.

Search Bar

The search bar is displayed in the full page view.


This shows you the search context and query that determine which issues are shown and can be displayed by navigating between issues in this view.


The full page view includes a toolbar that lets you apply specific actions to the current issue.


The following controls are available in full page view:

Go back to searchReturns to display the issues that match the current search context and query in list view.
AssignSets the Assignee for the issue. The following options are available:
  • Select Assign to me to assign the issue to yourself.
  • Select Assign to to assign the issue to another user (opens the Apply Command window and enters the for command).
Add commentOpens the Apply Command window and enters the comment command. Use to add a comment to the current issue.
AttachAdds an attachment to the current issue. The following options are available:
  • Attach File — attach a file to the issue.
  • Attach File Privately — attach a file and set the visibility group for the attachment.
  • Attach Image and Edit — attach a file and open it in the image editor.
Add linkAdds a link from the current issue to another issue. Select the link type from the drop-down list.
Add tagAdds a tag to the current issue. The following options are available:
  • Select Add tag with command to open the Apply Command window and enter the add tag command.
  • Select an existing tag from the list. Enter a value in the input field to filter the list of tags.
Command DialogApplies commands and access to the Apply Command window. The following options are available:
  • Clone Issue — applies the clone command to create a new issue that is a clone of the current issue.
  • Open Command Dialog — opens the Apply Command window.
  • Repeat Last Command — applies the command that was most recently entered to the current issue.
Edit issueOpens the issue in edit mode. Here, you can change the basic properties of the issue, such as the Project, Summary, and Description.
Delete issueDeletes the current issue.
Print issueOpens the issue on a printer-friendly page. Use the Print command in your browser to print the page.

Issue Details

The full page view displays detailed information for the current issue.


The following details are shown:

Created byDisplays the full name of the user who reported the issue. The date and time the issue was reported is also shown. Click the name to open the profile page for this user.
Updated byDisplays the full name of the user who last updated the issue. The date and time of the last update is also shown. Click the name to open the profile page for this user.
visible toDisplays the current visibility setting for the issue. Click to set or change the visibility group for the issue.
TagsDisplays the list of tags that are currently attached to the issue. Click the x icon to remove a tag.
StarClick to watch (star) the issue.
Issue IDDisplays the ID of the issue. Move the pointer over the ID and click the /help/img/youtrack/2017.1/iconCopyToClipboard.png icon to copy the issue ID and summary to the clipboard.
Issue SummaryDisplays the summary of the issue.
Issue DescriptionDisplays the description of the issue. Move the pointer to the left of the description and click the /help/img/youtrack/2017.1/iconCopyToClipboard.png icon to copy the issue description to the clipboard.
Attach fileIf there are no files attached to the issue, the Attach file button is displayed. Click the button to add a file to the issue as an attachment. You can also drop a file in this area or paste a file from the clipboard.
AttachmentsIf there any files attached to the issue, the number of attachments is displayed. A thumbnail for each attachment is also shown. Click the + icon to add another file as an attachment. You can also drop a file in this area or paste a file from the clipboard.


This tab displays a list of comments that have been added to the issue. Comments are displayed in chronological order. The total number of comments are displayed on the tab.


The following information is displayed for each comment:

User AvatarDisplays the avatar of the user who added the comment.
Group AvatarDisplays the avatar of the group. This avatar is only shown when an image has been uploaded to the settings page for the group that the user who added the comment is a member of.
User NameThe full name of the user who added the comment. Click the name to open the profile page for this user.
User onlineIndicates whether the user who added the comment is currently signed in to YouTrack.
Comment DateDisplays the date and time the comment was added to the issue.
Comment TextDisplays the text that was entered as a comment to the issue.
Related ChangesDisplays any changes that were applied to the issue at the same time the comment was added. The name of the property or field is shown with the previous value and the new value.
visible toDisplays the visibility group set for the comment.

The following actions are available for each comment in the list:

/help/img/youtrack/2017.1/iconReply.pngEnters an @mention user name in the input field for a new comment. Use to reply directly to the user who added a comment.
Opens the comment in edit mode. This option is only available if you have the Update Not Own Comment permission in the project for the current issue.
Deletes the comment. This option is only available if you have the Delete Not Own and Permanent Comment Delete permission in the project for the current issue.
Stores the permalink to this comment in the issue. Right-click the icon for a list of options. The available options are determined by the browser you use to work with YouTrack.

At the end of the list of comments, there is an input field for entering a new comment.


The following actions are available for new comments:

AttachAdds an attachment to the current issue. The following options are available:
  • Attach File — attach a file to the issue.
  • Attach File Privately — attach a file and set the visibility group for the attachment.
  • Attach Image and Edit — attach a file and open it in the image editor.
Visible toSets visibility group for the comment. Click to select a visibility group from the drop-down list.
Wiki helpDisplays hints for using wiki markup. Click the more link to open the Wiki Reference page.
Add commentAdds the text that is entered in the comment field as a new comment.


This tab displays a list of changes that have been applied to an issue.


Linked Issues

This tab displays a list of issues that are linked to the current issue. Linked issues are displayed in list view.


The following options are available:

with commentsFilters the list of linked issues to display only issues with comments.
with attachmentsFilters the list of linked issues to display only issues with attachments.
allDisplays all issues that are linked to the current issue.
Issue DetailSets the level of detail for issues in the list of linked issues. To expand the level of detail for a single issue, click the Expand arrow to the right of the issue.

Similar Issues

This tab displays a list of issues that are similar to the current issue. Similar issues are displayed in list view. Use this list to locate possible duplicates or related issues.


The following option is available:

Issue DetailSets the level of detail for issues in the list of linked issues. To expand the level of detail for a single issue, click the Expand arrow to the right of the issue.

VCS Changes

This tab displays a list of VCS commits or other VCS updates that are associated with the current issue. This tab is visible when your YouTrack server is integrated with TeamCity, Upsource, or a VCS repository.


For more information, see View and Edit VCS Changes.

Time Tracking

This tab displays a list of work items that have been added to the issue. There are also input fields for adding a new work item for the currently logged-in user. This tab is only visible if Time Tracking is enabled in the project.


For more information, see Add Work Items.


The sidebar to the right of the issue detail displays additional information related to the current issue.


The following information is shown in this section of the page:

Issue NavigationThis control displays the number of issues that match the search context and query set in the search bar. Use the arrows to move to the next or previous issue in the list.
Issue FieldsThis section displays all of the issue fields and the current values that are set for each field. Click a value to select or enter a new value for the field.
VotersDisplays the number of votes for an issue. If you can vote for the issue, the /help/img/youtrack/2017.1/iconVote.png icon is enabled. The /help/img/youtrack/2017.1/iconVoted.png indicates that you have already voted for the issue. You can click this icon to take your vote back. Click the down arrow to display a list of users who have voted for the issue.
WatchersDisplays the number of users who are watching the issue. Click the down arrow to display a list of users who are watching the issue. Click the + icon to open the Apply Command window and enter the watcher command. You can only apply this command if you have the Update Watchers permission in the project.

You can move the sidebar to the left side of the page.

To move the sidebar:

  1. Click your avatar and select the Profile link.
  2. On the General Settings tab, enable the Show fields pane on the left option.
  3. Click the Save button.
    • The fields sidebar is displayed to the left of the issue detail section.
Last modified: 18 April 2017