YouTrack Standalone 2017.1 Help

Manage Guest Users

YouTrack lets you use guest accounts to enable access for anonymous users.

The guest user account is enabled by default in YouTrack. This account is assigned the Observer role which grants permission to perform the following actions:

  • Read Issue
  • Read Comment

In other words, a guest user has access to YouTrack in read-only mode. The guest can view issues and comments that do not have visibility restrictions. Guests do not have permission to edit issue attributes, post comments, or edit comments.

Change Guest Account Permissions

You can manage the permissions to allow or restrict access for guest users in YouTrack.

To change permissions for the guest account:

  1. In the Access Management section of the Administration menu, select Users.
  2. Select the guest user account in the list.
  3. To add permissions, you can either add the guest account to another group so it will inherit its roles, or you can add personal roles for this account without adding it to a group.

    For more information, see Manage User Access.

Disable Access for Guest Users

If you do not want to allow guest users to have access to issues in your projects, you can disable access for guest accounts.

To disable access for guest accounts:

  1. Select the guest account in the Users list.
  2. Click the Ban user button.

That's it. Now only users with registered accounts can access your YouTrack instance.

If needed, you can change the default permissions for guest users.

Last modified: 18 April 2017