YouTrack Standalone 2017.3 Help

Redefined Project Teams

In previous versions of YouTrack Standalone, you could mark a role as a team role. This option elevated the visibility of a role assignment by adding users with team roles to the list of users in a project team.

In preparation for an upcoming change to project teams, this option has been removed, as it is no longer relevant.

Changes Applied to Project Teams

The project team is now simply a list of users and groups who are assigned to the project. Users and members of these groups inherit the Developer role in the project.

When migrating to this model, YouTrack Standalone collected the list of users and groups who were assigned the Project Admin or Developer role in each project. These are the two roles that were marked as team roles by default. These users and groups were then added to the project team.

Users and groups who were assigned any other role that was marked as a team role are still assigned their corresponding roles in a project, however, as these roles are no longer marked as team roles, these users no longer appear as members of the project team. This does not mean that they lose any permissions. Their access rights in the project are not affected.

As every member of the project team inherits the Developer role in a project, role assignments are no longer shown in the team list.

The project team also includes the project lead. The project lead inherits the Developer role as a member of the project team. This user is also assigned the Project Admin role directly in the project.

For additional information, see Manage the Project Team.

Improved Team Management Options

As a result of this update, you can now manage members of the project team directly. You no longer have to rely on team role flags to manage this list of users.

New controls have been added to the team list that let you add or remove users or groups directly on the project profile page.

project profile team management

Group Cleanup

During the migration, YouTrack Standalone performed a very selected cleanup of groups that were redundant to the new project teams. The purpose of this cleanup was to remove <project name>-team groups. These groups were created automatically when a project was added to YouTrack Standalone. Their purpose was to assign the Developer role to users who were added to the project team based on their membership in these groups. As these groups duplicate role assignments that are now granted directly to members of the project team, YouTrack Standalone attempts to merge these groups into project teams during upgrade.

If all of the following conditions were met, the groups were merged into the project team:

  • The group was the only entity that granted the Developer or Project Admin roles in the project.

  • The group was already granted the Developer role in the project.

  • The group did not have the Auto-join property enabled.

  • The group was not set as one of the Auto-join groups for a license or an authentication module.

  • The group was not assigned any roles in other projects.

All of the visibility and sharing options that reference groups in YouTrack have been updated to include project teams. For example, you can choose to share a saved search or tag with the members of a specific project team. For visibility and sharing options, a project team behaves similarly to any group in YouTrack.

If a group was deleted during upgrade, all visibility and sharing options that referenced the deleted group were updated to reference the project team that the group was merged into.

Last modified: 7 March 2019