YouTrack Server

What's New 

We deliver updates and improvements to YouTrack on a continuous basis. Here's an overview of changes that are available in YouTrack 2017.4.

New Features 




Japanese Localization

YouTrack now supports Japanese as a default system language. Organizations that use Japanese as their lingua franca can now work with YouTrack in their preferred locale.


Estimation Report

We’ve added a new report that lets you track estimations in one or more projects. The new Estimation Report lets you group issues by project, assignee, subsystem, and even by sprints on an agile board. You’ll find this report in the Time Management Reports section of the Reports page.


Sort by Relevance in Search Results

When you search for issues using text search, the results are now sorted by relevance. Issues that contain a higher number of matching words in the issue summary, description or comments are ranked higher in the results.

This sorting is applied by default to the results of a text search as long as the query does not contain explicit sort attributes or use an OR expression.


Date and Time Custom Fields

We’ve added support for custom fields that store dates in date and time format. This means that you have greater control over which fields only need to store date values versus fields where the time value is important. You can also edit the time part directly in the user interface without the need to apply a command. Teams who use time tracking workflows or plugins can now manage the amount of time they spend working on issues with greater precision.


npm Installation for YouTrack Workflow Packages

We’ve uploaded packages to the npm platform that let you manage your YouTrack workflows in your own development environment. This feature is not specific to any single platform. You should be able to configure any environment that supports JavaScript to write and manage workflow scripts for YouTrack.


Muted Notifications

You can now unsubscribe from notifications for specific issues. Each notification email that is sent by YouTrack includes a new link in the footer. Click the link to stop receiving notifications for the related issue.

A list of muted threads is shown on the Notifications tab of your user profile. You can unmute threads to restore notifications at any time.


Updates and Enhancements 




Text Indexing for Issue Fields

The text index now includes all of the values that are stored in any issue field. This means that when you perform a text search, it finds matching words in any attribute, not just the summary, description, and comments.

It also means that you don’t have to identify the attribute that stores the value you’re searching for — just put your cursor in the search box and type away!


Extended Text Index Support

We’ve enabled language support for text indexing in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, and Polish. If you report issues in any of these languages, you can enable text indexing in your language and find issues that contain all forms of the words that you enter in a search query.


Import from Jira Option for New Projects

If you have a group of Jira users that just joined your team, you can import their projects and manage all of your issues in YouTrack. We’ve added a link to the Import from Jira page to the Create Project page to help you find and use the right form for the job.


Redefined Project Teams

We’ve changed the management model for project teams. You can now add users and groups to the team directly and assign them the Developer as members of the project team.

As you no longer need to use team roles to determine who belongs to your project team, the option to mark a role as a team role has been removed.

We’ve redesigned the team section of the Projects page and the Team tab of the Edit Project page. These pages let you add users or groups to your team and remove users or groups from your team.


Shared Mailbox Support for Microsoft Exchange

The Mailbox integration has a new option that lets you connect to and fetch mail from a shared mailbox on a Microsoft Exchange or Office 365 mail server. This lets organizations that use Microsoft Exchange connect to a generic email address that is monitored by multiple users.


Experimental Features 




Markdown Support

With this feature enabled, you can format text in issue descriptions, comments, and work items with Markdown syntax. We’ve added the option to toggle between Markdown and Wiki so you can choose the format you’re most comfortable with.


Last modified: 7 March 2019