Get Links of an Issue
GET /issue/{issue}/link
Get a list of all links of an issue.
GET /rest/issue/{issue}/link
Request parameters:Name | Type | Description |
issue | issueById | ID of an issue, for which we want to get the list of links. |
Name | Description |
typeName | Name of a link type (please refer to the Issue Link Types page) |
typeInward | Name of inward link for this link type |
typeOutward | Name of outward link for this link type |
target | Issue id of target issue |
source | Issue id of source issue |
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: $Version=0; JSESSIONID=n7hq7t8o49ae15sgbq5hn9ic; $Path=/;; $Path=/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 782
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<issueLink typeInward="is required for" typeOutward="depends on" typeName="Depend" target="HBR-62" source="HBR-63"/>
<issueLink typeInward="is duplicated by" typeOutward="duplicates" typeName="Duplicate" target="HBR-57" source="HBR-63"/>
<issueLink typeInward="is duplicated by" typeOutward="duplicates" typeName="Duplicate" target="HBR-63" source="HBR-54"/>
<issueLink typeInward="is related to" typeOutward="relates to" typeName="Relates" target="HBR-49" source="HBR-63"/>
<issueLink typeInward="is related to" typeOutward="relates to" typeName="Relates" target="HBR-63" source="HBR-51"/>
<issueLink typeInward="is required for" typeOutward="depends on" typeName="Depend" target="HBR-63" source="HBR-49"/>
Last modified: 8 July 2019