YouTrack Standalone 2019.1 Help

MSI Installation

The YouTrack Standalone MSI distribution is available for download on the JetBrains website.

The following software is bundled with the YouTrack Standalone MSI distribution:

  • Jetty servlet engine and HTTP server

  • Java SE Runtime Environment 8 x64

The MSI distribution does not include JRE x86. If you want to install YouTrack in an x86 environment, you will need to download and install the Java Runtime Environment that is compatible with your operating system.

The MSI installer requires .NET Framework version 2.0 or later.

To install YouTrack as a Windows service:

  1. Download the MSI distribution from the JetBrains website.

  2. Open the Windows Installer Package (MSI file).

    • The JetBrains YouTrack Setup Wizard opens.

    Youtrack setup wizard setup
  3. Follow the instructions in the setup wizard.

    • When the installation wizard is finished, the web-based Configuration Wizard opens in your default browser.

      If you do not have a web browser installed on the host machine, open the URL that is provided by the setup wizard in a web browser on another workstation.

    Install setup wizard complete
  4. Click the Finish button to close the setup wizard.

  5. Switch to your web browser and continue with the installation in the web-based Configuration Wizard.

  6. In the Configuration Wizard, click Set up.

    Install YouTrack MSI: Configuration wizard

  7. On the Confirm Settings page, confirm or change the basic system settings.

    Install YouTrack confirm settings



    Base URL

    The URL where end users access YouTrack Standalone.

    Application Listen Port

    The port your YouTrack Standalone server listens to after installation.


    The default language that is shown in the user interface.

  8. Expand the Advanced Settings section to confirm or change the locations where YouTrack Standalone stores product data.

    Install YouTrack advanced settings



    Data Directory Location

    The directory where YouTrack Standalone stores content data.

    Backup Location

    The directory where YouTrack Standalone stores backups of the database.

    Logs Location

    The directory where YouTrack Standalone stores log files.

    Temp Location

    The directory where YouTrack Standalone stores product-specific temporary files.

    To change the location for any of these file types, click the Change button and select a new location.

  9. To share usage statistics with Jetbrains, keep the Send usage statistics anonymously option enabled. This feature helps JetBrains track usage statistics to make YouTrack better. We never share collected data with any third party.

  10. When done, click Next.

  11. On the Select Hub Service page, select whether you want to use a built-in or external Hub service.

    Install hub service

    Configure the following settings based on the type of service you select:



    Built-in Hub

    • Enter and confirm the password for the default system administrator account admin. To assign a different username to the administrator account, edit the Create Admin Login setting.

    • Deselect the Enable login as guest option to ban the guest user account.

    The built-in Hub service is configured and started automatically.

    External Hub

    Enter the Base URL of your external Hub installation and verify it.

  12. When done, click Next.

  13. On the Confirm License page, verify the license name and key. Expand the License Limitations section to verify any limitations that apply to your current plan.

    Install license

  14. When done, click Finish.

    • The configuration is applied to your YouTrack Standalone server.

    Do not close the page in the browser until the setup is complete. When the YouTrack Standalone server is ready, you are logged in to YouTrack as a guest. If you disabled login as guest, the login page opens.

    That's it. Your YouTrack Standalone instance is installed and ready for use.

Now that your YouTrack service is up and running, you may want to set up projects and access rights, import issues from another tracker, or fine-tune the server environment. For more information, check the topics in the See Also section at the bottom of this page.

Previous Installation Data Found

During installation, the Setup Wizard can detect data from a previous installation of YouTrack Standalone. These files may be left over from an installation that was uninstalled or installed by another user.

You can choose from the following options to proceed with the installation:

  • Perform a clean installation.

  • Install YouTrack Standalone using configuration files and data left from the previous installation.

Unless you are familiar with the details of the previous installation, we recommend that you perform a clean installation. The files from the previously installed version will be removed.


If you encountered a problem and the installation failed, see if any of the following conditions apply.


Installation failed


The installation directory is not empty.


The %programdata%\JetBrains\YouTrack directory contains data from a previous installation.


  1. Remove all files and folders from this directory. In Windows 7 and Windows 8 environments, the %programdata% environment variable points to C:\ProgramData by default. To check the actual value of this variable on your host machine, open a Command Prompt window and enter the following command:
    echo %programdata%

  2. Enable verbose logging for the YouTrack Windows Installer Package. In the Command Prompt window, enter the following command:
    msiexec /i youtrack-xxxxx.msi /l*v install.txt

  3. Repeat the installation procedure.

If you continue to experience problems with the installation:

  1. Create an issue in the YouTrack project.

  2. Attach the following files to help us investigate and fix the issue:

    • Compress the contents of the logs directory and attach the ZIP archive. The default location of this directory is %programdata%\JetBrains\YouTrack\logs. If the location of this directory was changed in the Configuration Wizard, you can find the actual location in the logs-dir property of the %programdata%\JetBrains\YouTrack\conf\internal\ file.

    • Compress the contents of the conf directory and attach the ZIP archive. The default location of this directory is %programdata%\JetBrains\YouTrack\conf.

    • Attach the install.txt file.

Last modified: 8 July 2019

See Also