Tag Issues
Tags allow you to group issues the way you like, irrelevant of their attributes. For example, you can create a tag fix it today
and add the tag to issues in multiple projects
You can associate any issue with an unlimited number of tags.
Tags give you an alternative method to search for issues. Instead of searching by assignee, state, or project, you can tag any number of issues and search for issues by tag. Use tags to add arbitrary and descriptive attributes to any issue without having to worry about adding new custom fields.
Create a Tag
Before you can start working with tags, you need to create them. You can create and use personal tags to categorize issues according to your own tastes or create shared tags to support internal workflows.
By default, tags are visible to you only. Other users cannot see your personal tags in the sidebar.
When you create or edit a tag, use the settings to share the tag with a group. You can share a tag with a group in two ways:
Make a tag visible to a group. Members of the group can see the tag in the sidebar and add the tag to issues.
Make a tag editable by a group. Members of the group can update the name, color scheme, and the Untag on resolve setting. Only the user who created the tag can update the visibility settings.
This setting does not affect the visibility of the tag. If you want members of a group to be able to edit a tag, be sure that they are also members of the group that you use for the visibility setting.
Experimental FeatureAn updated version of the Issues list is currently available on an experimental basis. The information provided here applies to the classic version of the page. To learn how to add tags in the experimental version of the issues list, see Sidebar.
To create a tag:
Requires permissions: Create Tag or Saved Search, Share Tag or Saved Search
Click the plus icon in the Tags section of the sidebar.
The Create Tag dialog opens.
Enter values for the following settings:
Assign the tag a name.
Always show in sidebar
Enable to pin the tag in the sidebar by default.
Visible for group
Select a group for whom the tag is visible. Use this setting to share a tag with other users.
Updatable by group
Select a group whose members have permission to edit the properties of the tag. Be sure that the members of this group are included in the group that you use for the visibility setting.
Untag on resolve
Enable to automatically remove the tag when the issue is set to a resolved state.
Apply an optional color scheme to the tag. Use this setting to make tagged issues stand out in the Issues list.
Click the Create button.
Add Tags to Issues
You can add tags to issues one at a time, or search for issues that match specific criteria and tag all of the issues at once.
To add a tag to one or more issues:
Requires permissions: Read Issue, Update Issue
Select one or more issues in the Issues list.
Click the Add tag button in the toolbar.
Enter the name of the tag that you want to add to the selected issues. YouTrack filters the list of tags as you type.
Select the tag from the list.
The tag is added to all of the selected issues.
Click Submit or press Ctrl + Enter.
You can also add tags to issues in the Apply Command dialog. When you open this dialog from the Add tag with command option in the Add tag link, the add tag
command is entered automatically.

Remove Tags from Issues
Tags are like temporary tattoos. You can apply them to look cool at the nightclub and wash them off in the morning.
We use tags like design, wording, and documentation to indicate that an issue requires input from a specific department without assigning the issue explicitly to a member of the team. When the team has provided the required input or feedback, they remove the tag.
There are two cases where a user can remove a tag from an issue:
The user is a member of the group that can edit the tag. This user can remove tags that they have permission to edit if they have Update Issue permission in the project.
The user is a member of the group that can view and use the tag. In this case, users with Update Issue permission can see the tag, but cannot remove it. To a remove a tag that you are not allowed to edit, you need Update Issue Private Fields permission in the project. This ability was added to let administrators remove tags that have limited edit rights.
The Edit Tag or Saved Search permission is not required in either case. This permission only determines whether users who are members of the group that is allowed to edit a tag can update its properties.
To remove a tag from one or more issues:
Requires permissions: Read Issue, Update Issue
To remove a tag that you don't have permission to edit, you also need permission to update issue private fields.
Select one or more issues in the Issues list.
Open the Apply Command dialog.
Enter the command
remove tag
.Select the tag that you want to remove from the completion list (or continue typing the name of the tag).
Click the Apply button, or press Ctrl + Enter.
View Issues Associated with a Tag
The easiest way to list the issues that are associated with a tag is to click the name of the tag in the sidebar. If you set a preliminary filter as a search context, the list displays issues that match the selected context and are associated with the selected tag.
To search for issues by tag:
Requires permissions: Read Issue
in the search box.Select a tag from the completion list.
Enter additional search criteria to refine your search. For example, to display unresolved critical issues that are tagged with
fix before end of month
, enter:tag: {fix before end of month} state: unresolved priority: critical
#{fix before end of month} #unresolved #critical
Click the Search button or press Enter.
Edit Tag Settings
Your ability to edit tag settings varies based on the type of tag.
For tags that you created yourself, you can update any of the tag settings at any time.
For tags that are shared with you, you can only change the name, color scheme, and the Untag on resolve setting.
To edit tag settings:
Requires permissions: Edit Tag or Saved Search
Click the Edit icon next to the tag in the sidebar.
The Edit Tag dialog opens.
Update the settings that you want to modify. The visibility settings are only shown to the user who created the tag.
Click the Save button.
Delete a Tag
Only the user who created a tag is able to delete the tag from YouTrack. Other users have the option to hide the tag by unpinning it from the sidebar.
If you have a personal tag that you no longer want to use or have shared a tag that is obsolete, you can delete it from the system.
To delete a tag:
Requires permissions: Edit Tag or Saved Search, Delete Tag or Saved Search
Click the Edit icon next to the tag in the sidebar.
In the Edit Tag dialog, click Delete tag button.
Click OK to confirm the action.
The tag is deleted. The tag is removed from all issues.