YouTrack Standalone 2021.2 Help


The settings on the Internationalization tab of the Global Settings page let you set the default preferences for users based on the primary location of your team.

Time and Date

The Time and Date section provides options that let you manage the default system settings related to the time and date in YouTrack.

Time zoneThis set of controls determines the system-wide default time zone. The time zone set here is used for time presentation for all users. Users can change the local time zone in their user profiles.
Date formatSets the system-wide default presentation for dates and times. This format is applied to all custom fields that use the date field type.

System Language

You can set the system language of your YouTrack server to one of the localizations that are provided out-of-the-box. YouTrack provides localization support for English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.

Additional languages that are supported by the YouTrack user community are also available. These languages are marked with a community label in the list. For more information, see Community-based Language Support.

Users can select their personal language preference in their user profile. For consistency across the application, the language that is set at the global level is used for search queries, commands, and custom fields. The page headers, menus, and controls are displayed in the preferred locale. For more information, see YouTrack General Profile Settings.

To align the text input fields and all drop-down lists right-to-left, enable the RTL support option. For more information, see Right-to-Left Language Support.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The settings in this section provide options that let you customize your keyboard shortcut scheme. You can use the default shortcut scheme or add and use your own customized scheme. For more information, see Customize Keyboard Shortcuts.

Text Index

The settings in this section of the page let you manage text indexing for your YouTrack installation. Text indexing helps YouTrack identify stem words and their related forms when searching for values that are stored in issue fields and articles. For more information, see Text Index.

Last modified: 05 July 2021