YouTrack Server 2022.3 Help

What's New

We deliver updates and improvements to YouTrack on a continuous basis. Here's an overview of the changes that are available in this version.

New Features



Telegram Integration

Immerse yourself in conversations about various issues and articles by installing the YouTrack bot for Telegram. Get notifications based on the subscription settings stored in your YouTrack profile. You can also update issues with commands, add comments to issues and articles, and pin issues as discussions in group chats.

Multi-record Data Entry for Timesheets

Record spent time on multiple dates or date ranges with a single action. This means you can report all of your activity for a single issue in one go.

User Input in Action Rules

Script action rules that prompt users to provide additional information. For example, when cloning an issue, you can ask the user to choose the project where the issue will be created.

Postman Collection for the REST API

We've published a collection of predefined requests for the YouTrack REST API. Developers can use this as a guide when building applications that use the API to read and update YouTrack data.

Updates and Enhancements



Additional Actions for the Workflow Constructor

New action blocks let you build workflows that add issue links, work items, or require values for specific fields. Other updates give you access to work item data and improve date calculations.

Import for Articles from JetBrains Space

The script that imports data from JetBrains space has been upgraded to import project documents as articles in the YouTrack knowledge base.

Username mapping for OAuth 2.0 authentication modules

Authentication modules that use OAuth 2.0 now support the option to map the username attribute from the identity provider to the Username field in YouTrack user profiles.

This option is available in YouTrack versions 2023.1.65369 and later.

Last modified: 21 April 2023