YouTrack Server 2025.1 Help

Web-based Workflow Editor

YouTrack has a built-in web-based workflow editor that you can use to write workflows in JavaScript.

If you prefer to write your code in an integrated development environment, you can still use an external editor that supports JavaScript and import your workflows into YouTrack.

To access the workflow constructor:

  1. From the Administration menu in the application header, select Workflows.

  2. Find a workflow that was written in JavaScript and select it in the list.

  3. Click the Edit workflow button in the sidebar.

    • The selected workflow opens in the JavaScript workflow editor.

You can also access the page by opening a new workflow in the workflow editor. From the Workflows list, click the New workflow button, then select JavaScript Editor.

Js workflow editor

Keyboard Shortcuts

YouTrack provides a set of keyboard shortcuts that let you interact with the JavaScript editor without touching your mouse or trackpad.




Alt + Comma

Option + Comma

Highlights where a variable is later used in the JavaScript file.

Alt + Period

Option + Period

Highlights the definition of the selected variable in the JavaScript file.

Ctrl + F

+ F

Searches for specific text in the JavaScript file.

Ctrl + Shift + Z

+ Shift + Z

Restores the last action that was undone.

Ctrl + Alt + L

Control + Option + L

Corrects spacing and indentation to meet the standard layout for JavaScript.

Shift + F6

Shift + F6

Changes names of symbols, files, directories, packages, modules and all references to them throughout the JavaScript file.

Ctrl + S

+ S

Saves the JavaScript file.

Ctrl + Period

+ Period

Highlights every usage of the selected variable in the JavaScript file.

Shift + F1

Shift + F1

Activates a popup window displaying how symbols, such as classes, fields, methods, functions, or tags are defined in the JavaScript file.

Ctrl + Space bar

Control + Space bar

Suggests the complete names of classes, methods, fields, and keywords within the visibility scope.

Ctrl + I

+ I

Displays the variable type for the selected variable.

Ctrl + Z

+ Z

Reverts the previous action.

Control + Slash

Control + Slash

Opens the list of keyboard shortcuts.

Sidebar Controls

To the left of the editor is a sidebar. In this sidebar, you can view the list of workflows, modules, and import clients that are written in JavaScript.

The list contains all the default workflows and the custom workflows that your organization has added to YouTrack. The workflow API modules are also shown in the sidebar and are read-only.

The following controls are displayed at the top of the sidebar:



New workflow

Lets you add a new workflow to YouTrack. You can add a workflow using the workflow constructor or the JavaScript editor.

Selecting the JavaScript Editor option opens the New Workflow dialog. Here, you can define a new workflow and add it to the list. For instructions, see Create a Workflow.

Filter by name

Lets you filter the list to show workflows and modules that match the substring in the input field.

Hide sidebar

Hides the list of workflows and rules in the sidebar. Use this control to view the workflow editor in the full width of the page.

Workflows for which you have write access include the following controls in the workflow list:



Edit workflow

Opens the Edit Workflow dialog. Here, you can rename the workflow and give it a human-readable title. The Title property is only displayed in the list on the Workflows administration page.

Add module

Adds a rule or custom script to the corresponding workflow. Select the template to open the New Module dialog, enter a name, then save the new module.

Show more

Shows additional actions that are available for the current workflow. The following actions are available:




This action downloads the current workflow as a ZIP archive.

Delete workflow

Following a confirmation prompt, permanently deletes the corresponding workflow from YouTrack. Any rules that belong to the workflow are removed from any project that they're attached to and are also deleted from YouTrack.

This control is also available for individual modules in the list. For more information, see Delete Workflows and Rules.

Workflow Editor Toolbar

The workflow editor lets you write and update scripts directly in YouTrack. The following controls are displayed in the toolbar of the workflow editor:



Full screen

Opens the editor in distraction-free mode. All the controls in the application and page header are hidden. When you collapse the sidebar as well, only the workflow editor and its toolbar are visible.

Code inspection

Toggles the highlighting of errors and warnings in the editor.

Show more

Opens a list of additional actions and options.


Closes the workflow editor. The New Module dialog is displayed in the workflow editor panel.

Last modified by

Displays the time of the last modification as well as the full name of the user who applied the most recent update to the module.


Stores unsaved changes to the current module.


Discards any unsaved changes.

The following options are available under the Show more menu:




Reverts the most recent change to the current script.


Restores the most recently reverted change.

Reformat code

Corrects spacing and indentation to meet the standard layout for JavaScript.


Opens the Edit Module dialog. Here, you can edit the name of the current module.


Deletes the current module, following a confirmation of this action.

Editor options

Opens the Editor Options dialog. Here, you manage settings that affect the appearance and behavior of the workflow editor.

The following settings are available from the Editor options item in the Show more menu:




Toggles the typeface used for the code presentation.

Shortcut scheme

Defines the set of keyboard shortcuts that are supported in the editor. Here, you can select from the Default, Vim, and Emacs keyboard shortcut schemes.

Console Toolbar

At the bottom of the editor is a console. The console displays logging messages that are related to the current script. The following controls are available in the console toolbar:




Toggles the visibility of the console pane.

Show all

Filters the log entries to show all or messages only. Use the input field to filter for log entries that match a substring.


Filters the list of log entries to show entries that match a substring. Click this control a second time to hide the filter.


Reloads the console, displaying new log entries added after the page was loaded.


Downloads the log entries that are currently displayed in the console as a file.


Removes all the log entries from the console.

Last modified: 07 March 2025